Lewis University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish I would have known that they continue to enroll students but they do not accomodate as far as facilities go. I wish I would have known that the dorms are not very sound proof. I wish I would have known that my sport is not given the same benefits that other sports that go to my school receieve.


Before I started at Lewis University, I wished I had known that I needed to change my study habits. My study habits from high school were horrible, but it worked for me then and I believed that they would work for me in college, as well. However, my old habits would have set me up for failure if I had continued with them, which was a lesson I had to learn the hard way. So it definitely would have been nice if i knew this before.


I wish I had known a little more about the transfer process. I came from a junior college and felt lost when I entered Lewis. I wish there were more resources that helped with the transfer process. I am an adult student, over thirty, work and have a family I am excited about being in an education environment but I wish I would have known most school activities would take place during the week in the middle of the day. I am disappointed I am unable to participate more in school functions.


Internships that are provided for English majors


I wish I could of known more about their majors and minors.


I am currently an aviation major. Before I came to Lewis I wish I would have known more about the preperation I could have done with my pilots liscense. I could have came into school as an Avaition Management student and worked on my pilot's ratings at another airport and saved thousands of dollars.


I wish that I would have known how college classes were conducted and what the professors were like. Although I did not have any trouble making the transition, it would have helped me in the beginning if I would have already had a feel for what my classes were going to be like.


The amount of free stuff (apparel, food, etc) you get.


I wish I knew about all the clubs available and how to manage my class schedule to make it easier to graduate on-time.


I wish I would have known that there are always Lewis University vehicles parked on the side of the drive in the morning. These vehicles are always in the way when traffic is the heaviest and you have to weave around them with people walking acroos the roads to, so it is not safe.