I would be highly against a person of little to no respect for authority or rules attending this school. Liberty University does not need rebels, anarchists, or troublemakers. We are a growing school with a growing reputation. One could say that the policies this school has in place are "controlling" or "strict," but they are apart of the universities vision: Training champions for Christ. Liberty University wants to deliver upright, honorable, and respectful adults into the working world. This goal has little place for those of low maturity and wisdom.
A person who refuses to live with a few rules. There is a reasonable dress code, and rules that prohibit things like drinking.
I feel that Liberty is a school for anyone!
A person who is not motivated to learn. It seems like they really want to help you succeed in your classes, but it will take work on your part.
If you are not interested in growing academically, physically, emotionally, and spiritually, then Liberty University is not for you. There are rules in place to keep us in check, but the rules are rules that make sense. L.U. does not make rules that are impossible to keep.
The student who has the ambition to be succesful in life even if they are not sure what they would like to do. Anyone who needs direction academically, occupationally or otherwise. The persons who are not sure of their relationship with God but would like to make a general discovery of the moral principles of living. The person who has deviated from a career goal earlier in life but chooses to get back on a career path and refocus on growing intellectually, morally and or spiritually. The person who chooses to change career for whatever reason. Liberty is the place .
Liberty is a Christian University. There are several people who come to this school without any religious views. Aperson who is closed minded and is not willing to hear others views should not come here. Religious classes are required, so a person who is going to be totally against christianity and not willing to hear about the gospel should not attend this university.
It is a Christian school, with many genuine Christian students and professors, who are compassionate and loving people. They truly reach out to everyone and anyone to make them feel welcome and to motivate them to change the world. Anyone can attend this school, Christian, Athiest, Agnostic, young, old, man, woman, and you will find a place at Liberty that will present their views to you in a none judgemental way. They teach you how to critically think, and build your views yourself.
There are some people who do not like the amount of rules that are enforced at Liberty. Nevertheless, if a person is living a life that is glorifying to God, very few of these rules will be of conflict to them.
Liberty University is an amazing college and would be a perfect fit for most. The one aspect of Liberty they may tend to turn a few people away is the size. There are 10,000+ students on campus and growing. I thought it might be overwhelming at first but you get used to the size quickly. The school is also a religious based so if you are not of a protestant background then this school is probably not the best pick.