I can't think of anything frustrating about my school. I attend classes online, so I am able to keep my full time job and care for my family, while pursuing my degree as an educator. I choose the hours I want to work, and am givent deadlines to complete my assignments and tests. I think it is the best thing ever.
The most frustrating thing about Liberty is the cost and expenses that drain my bank account.
No doubt the most aggravating thing about Liberty University is the process for financial aid. There are so many people that work in the Financial Aid department that whenever you call you always seem to get a different person. On top of that, each person seems to have something different to tell you. If you are applying for a lot of Financial Aid, try to start early. If you don't you are in for a very long, hair-pulling, teeth-grinding, experience.
The most frustrating thing about my school would have to be the curfew. The curfew is set at 12 am on week nights and 12:30 am on weekends. Although it is good to have a reasonable curfew so that the homewoek is not neglected, sometimes there is a want to stay out longer, especially on weekends. When this happens, it is frustrating that I have to go back and be in the dorm.
I think the most frustrating thing about Liberty are the rules, what is known as the Liberty Way. There are so many rules about what seems to be every aspect of life. Everything from clothes to relationships. Sometimes, I'll admit it's frustrating to keep up with them.
I guess the most frustrating thing to some people would be some of the rules about the dress code and conduct. Either you love the fact that its a conservative school or you don't. If someone values academic integrity, they will love Liberty. If they want to cheat and don't want to work, they probably do not belong on this campus. Taking classes online, the biggest frustration can be getting a hold of a few professors, but that's very rare.
The most frustrating thing for me is that there aren't any jobs on campus for people who are not work-study approved. I live in a resort area in a house that we bought for a really good price from a friend and because of that i'm not work-study approved but I still have trouble finding a job and being able to pay for my college.
Keep my Grade point average high
The most frustrating thing about my school is definitely the strict rules. I agree with the rules against drinking, drug usage and other related rules, but some of them are just rediculous. For example we have a dress code that we have to abide by and we also have a midnight curfew. Another one that really bothers me is the rule against girls entering the guys dorms and vice versa. I think if they would adjust these rules or even modify them then the school would grow in student enrollment drastically.
Liberty University is a school with plenty of restrictions set upon students activities that most other schools do not enforce. The rules do not allow students in a relationship to kiss or show that level of affection on campus, nor are males allowed in female doors or vice versa. These rules are put in place because of the strong Christian worldview held by the University. The rules set in place are not frustrating to most, but individuals who do not share the same Christian beliefs may find these rules frustrating.