Liberty University Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


The best thing about my school is the peolpe you meet. The friendship that you make at my school are the ones that will last a life time. Everyone on campus is nice, helpful and overall good people. The atmosphere is also really good at my school. Here everybody is relaxed eventhough there might be 5 test to be taken everbody is nice and chill.


One of the best things about my school is that Liberty University stays true to it's purpose and it's beliefs. My school does not shutter at the thought of being persecuted but rejoices in the fact that it has a voice in the community.


I consider the best thing about my school is the atmosphere. This is a christian- based that is open about having a relationship with God. When I first visited here I felt so welcomed and just the presence of God. The campus is extremely clean and warm- hearted. I knew when I came here that God had a specific reason for why He has me at this university.


I love that people are not persecuted for their beliefs. There is a strong diverse population at Liberty University dealing with ethnicities, religions, and personalities. I am challenged academically, spiritually, and socially at Liberty. The best thing at my school has to be the welcoming feeling of the whole entire body. From the Dean to the custodians, there is such a inviting attitude with everyone.


I believe the best thing about Liberty University is the overall unity the school has. It is as if everyone is a big family at Liberty and care for one another.


I like the fact that it is a Christian school because I am a Christian and I do not like getting harrassed for that fact.


The fellowship. Students pray for one another. Everyone seems to be pulling for each other and helping each other.


I like how the people are overall friendly and how the teachers truely care about their students


Focused on religion and the students


The engaging teachers, in depth, quality courses, and well-cared-for asthetically pleasing campus