Lincoln University-Lincoln University Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about Lincoln University-Lincoln University!


One thing that I felt was unique about my school was the sizes of the classes. Due to the classes being small I was more than a number to my professors. Therefore, I felt a sense of a community and family which was great for me becasue I went out of state for school.


The school began as an all boy school. It's also an all black school in a suburban area. There is a wonderful Fredrick Douglas statue located in the middle of the campus. However, what I do not like is the KKK that does rallies in the spring. It makes me feel extremely uncomfortable. It is not what I expected. I'm sure not many schools in American have that.


Were well known as one of the funniest party schools next to Howard , however we still manage to be at the top of the charts on the educational level


The school believes in school and education first, and then after that extracurricular activities, faternities/sororities, and partying comes second.


Something unique about Lincoln Unversity is that it's a small campus where everybody can get to know each other. Lincoln is very respectful towards all kinds of people especially me becauase Im Muslim. They have a prayer room for all the Muslims to pray in.


Lincoln to me was not to big or small it was like finding the perfect shoe in my size


My school is the first historical black college. Lincoln is a small university that cares about there students to succed.


What makes my school unique is that we have this community where everyone feels like a family instead of an outsider. We stick together as one.


My school is an HBCU. Unlike any other school, at Lincoln you receive a deep understanding and respect for your culture. That is one of the most rewarding things about the university.


Lincoln University was founded as Ashmun Institute, it was named after Jehudi Ashmun, a religious leader and social reformer. Lincoln University's (Ashmun Institute's) ties to Africa and youth of African descent was a significant component of the framework for the institution's creation. Specifically, John Miller Dickey's first students. This makes Lincoln uiversity a unique because the school has history behind it, it also has religous background which is always an extra point on its reputation. Being said lincoln is well rounded. Repersenting a posistive school and also a posistive learning community.