I wished I would have know to take it more serious and apply myself better. A college student is alone and they have to figure a lot out by themselves. I wish I had worked on being a self-starter, but now Im good at start things myself. I wished I was told that there will be some days that I would feel so alone and have to hug myself.
When I first got here to Lincoln University I wish I had known that they didn't have any shops closer than 10 minutes away. Not having any shops closer isn't that bad, but it could help a little so that way I could have gotten a job. When some students aren't eligible for works studys it's really hard for them to find a job on campus, because they have to go out there way to talk to other college students to get a good word in to find a job. That benefits in a way also.
I wish I'd known that the requirements for the double major were going to change.
Lincoln is basically in the middle of no where, the closest mall is in deleware. i know that isnt what college is about but it is good to get off campus and just take a weekend break to change the scenery.
I pretty much am satisfied with most of the activities around campus. I do not have that much of an issue. Despite some stuff i disagree with, i still Love my school.
Before I came to Lincoln university I wish I knew where it was located. I'm a city girl and Lincoln is on the conutryside. I am use to everything being right at your finger tips, stores and people all around you. It is diffrent near my school you have to drive everywhere and it smells terrible. i also wish i knew how difficult it would be. TV shows display colleges as party central but you really have to study to pass. I always aced test in highschool without studying. College i have to stay in the book.
I wish known that the dorm rooms arent that great. There is only one dormitory on campus that is up to date.
nothing that i can think of
I wish that I would have known that in college there are alot of distractions and lots of trouble for one to get into, and even harder to get out. I also wish that I would have been able to better understand and prepare for the workload faced with in college, for it is nothing to take lightly.
I wish i had known that could have had an opportuniity to start recieving credits early in the summer of my freshamn year.