Lock Haven University Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about Lock Haven University?


Most of my friends attend large state schools in Michigan and New York. They often talk about their large lecture halls and how their professors just see them as a number. I am very fortunate to go to a school that has smaller class rooms where I can ask professors questions without feeling like I am just another student. At Lock Haven I am not a number I am a name. I am very proud to be able to attend a school with smaller classes. I can have more interaction in class which benefits me academically.


I am not the bragging type, I just like to enjoy myself. I do not want to put anyone else down by being boastful all the time.


The professors! As with anything there are always exceptions, but for the majority the professors here are great. They care about you and really do want you to succeed. If you need help they are willing to take their time to sit down with you and work with you. Although I don't concider this a small school the professors still know all thier students by name which again shows how much they actually care.


It's cheap and the classes are small.


I mostly brag about how in tune the faculty is with the student body. A lot of our staff are past students who enjoyed being at Lock Haven so much that they just couldn't imagine life without it, so they became part of the top notch staff. I also brag about the quality of the students at my school, the upperclassmen are always helping out the underclassmen. I also brag about Lock Haven's size it is big enough for me to always meet someone i know but small enough that I always see a familiar face.


Since it's a small town school with a rather small population, it's really easy to make friends. When I converse with my hometown friends about my school, I usually talk about the social aspect of it and how easily one gets along with their peers. Everyone, including professors and faculty, are friendly and there are a lot of opportunities for students to meet new people.


How beautiful the area is and how great the professors are.


The fact that they are small class sizes and easy to move about the campus. I've always been a better learner in small classrooms where professors actually know me by name not by a number.