Lock Haven University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish I would have known how expensive it was going to be


The School is set in mountainous Pennsylvania, and it just so happens that it's right on the side of a mountain. Because of this, climbing many stairs is often required to go from dorm buildings to classrooms and such. Also, while Lock Haven is a nice, scenic, safe town, it's also very small with a single taxi service that can get expensive if you like to go to WalMart in the next town over.


I wish I would have known to apply to as many colleges as possible! I only applied to one and changed my mind last minute.


I would have liked to know more about living in a residence hall, professors are not high school teachers, and you can discuss your grades with professors especially if you have an issue. I am an adult and I need to act like a college student with autonomy than a high school student at the whim of the system.


You need to go to class, buy and read the book!


I didn't know who to talk to in terms of financial aid. I go to Lock Haven University in Clearfield, PA, which is a branch of main campus in Lock Haven. In fact, I'm a junior and I still don't know who to talk to about financial assistance.


I wish I would have known how far the school was from my hometown (because I went to a school in PA, but my permanent address is in NJ), how far other places are from the university, knew about the type of people I may come across, and about the class sizes.


I wish I had known to apply for more scholarships before I came to this school. I did apply for several and I do get covered financially, but loans were not my number one choice for how I intended to pay for college. Every school awards scholarships each year, and I wish I would have researched the ones my school hands out each year.


I wish I knew that you basacially have to do everything on your own with finding out information about student loans and financial aid because the staff does not help much at all and they give you the run around.


How many graduates actually get a good job within 6 months.