Loras College Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend Loras College?


I think anyone can attend this school. However, most that attend are Catholic. You would feel like you fit in more if you are Catholic as well.


If you are not the type to try your hardest on homework or in class, or someone who thinks college is just a place to get out of the house and do drinking binges each night. Students here care more about their studies than they do about their social lives - though those are important as well. People who can't take college seriously and who think it's just a place to goof off should not come here. This school is for fun and academics alike; here you'll get want in your future, but not without working for it.


At this school anyone is welcomed. Our motto at loras is BE YOU! I think that in itself explains who we are as not only the students but the entire campus community.


The school expects students to do some things for themselves. Someone who is unwilling to take control of their own future will not do well here. Be assertive and strive for the best.