So much to get involved in. Don't be stressed if you don't get involved RIGHT away. I am planning on doing way more next year than I've done this year.
There are groups for every interest you could have. I was initially a little surprised to see so much conservatism, which is unusual for a college, but I had to remember that it is a Catholic university. Loyola is in a very diverse part of Chicago, which I think is great. The student body is diverse, yes, but it is still predominately white. As to class clothes...the person in pajamas in class is no more out of place than the person in heels. I have worn both to class and in every class you have everyone dressed differently, an no one looks twice.
70{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} girls and 15{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} gay guys.. and the rest of the guys are pretty OK. The student body comes from well-ok backgrounds. There's not alot of predominant student groups that I've noticed. Most students are from the north suburbs; they're not all down-to-earth type. Loyolan girls are super pretty but majority of them spend incredible amount of money of dressing like they're attending some kind of fashion's pretty ridiculous. It's beyond the high school A & F clothing, these people seriously blow cash on ugly coach rainboots and plastic sunglasses.
You might be surprised to find that not all students here are "well off," in fact, many of us have worked a job to save up for this. The dining hall is a great place to socialize, and there are a ton of people. You meet so many new people there. Most students dress like they did in high school, jeans and shirts-some people live in sweats-but it's really not as common as I thought it would be. I've noticed that as they get older they start to dress the part.
I also want to note that for the most part, people here are very welcomming towards differences in culture, race, religion, and even sexual orientation. We are in Chicago, this is reality, and I think many people from suburban areas might be a bit shocked to discover that.
The school isn't very diverse, despite what LUC might say in their brochures. Most Loyola kids are from middle-class families in the Midwest.
I like how diverse our student body is. I have met a few people who were a bit ignorant and racist, but that is a part of life and some people will just remain ignorant. Overall, I would say students are very openminded and willing to learn about other cultures.
Loyola student body is like a family in my opinion. The people I have met are genuinely friendly and easy going. The student body is motivated, hard working, but we also like to have a good time. We get involved on and off campus and take advantage of all that Chicago has to offer be it site-seeing, shopping downtown, or taking on various internships. Furthermore, a lot of the students will study abroad because Loyola encourages its' students to immerse themselves in the world.
Good, many are wealthy and preppy, but not too bad. a very diverse campus. Politically, generally liberal.