Dear Anna,
If I can go back to the past, I would tell my self to get involved more. I commute to college and socializing on campus can be a bit of a challenge. I have made four close friends and joined a club. However, I should have communicated more with my professors. They are understated resources. You need them for your internship, scholarship, fellowship, and graduate school applications. If you interact with professors, you not only get a reference but you also learn so much from them! Some professors can give you access to internships and scholarships. They have doctorate's in their degrees therefore feel free to ask away! That is why you are a student to ask and develop. Therefore, do not be shy and remember that most professors will love to schedule a meeting with you to talk about your homework and your aspirations.
Anna Z.
If I were given the opportunity to go back and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to do more research on colleges and make more visits. I did very few visits, and this is why I am at a community college. However, this has worked out in the end for me, as I will be transferring to SUNY ESF in the fall of 2012 for Wildlife Biology. If I had the opportunity, I would also tell myself to focus on sciences and take AP Biology. Had I done this, I would have been better prepared for college biology, and I think this would have been very beneficial to me in life.
I would have told myslef so much. First off i would have told myself of the importance of having a good credit and working to save money for school and how important that is. Then i would have let myslef know that its very important to have a great attendence both jobs and school look at both. This is what i would have told myslef if i went back in time.
Hui Hsien
There were so many things that what I wanted to do at your age now. Trust me, I know you better than you do! You did so many good things, but maybe we can do better things or the best thing. That's what I think now, it's to be a cardio surgen. You might think why would have this big change just in 3 years. You will serve your military service in the prison, and also serve the Lord as a missionary in Taichung, Taiwan. Your thoughts about life would change. But there's something that would not change, which is the "YOU CAN DO HARD THINGS" attitude. And after you thought about this in the future, you would think that being a doctor is a really nice way to help other people phisically. I am a missionary right now, I felt being able to help others is a really nice chance that we could see how the gospel change people's lives. Also being a doctor would offer you the change to see how your knowledge could benefit others lives. I know as a friend who had known ourselves for over twenty years. You can make it!
To apply early to schools, visit as many schools as possible so that you learn what you want, study for the ACT or take a prep course, talk to your guidance counselor about schools and scholarships. Going away to college isn't the end of the world and it is probably the best thing that you will ever do. Just try your best and participate in orientation activities which will help you meet people.
Rockland Community College is a great starting point for the beginning of the educational developing for the future. The institution I am currently enrolled in is relatively cheap, has the qualified professors collegium, and provides the variety of campus activities.
Unlike many private universities and academies, community colleges do not cost a lot of money. The significant fact distinguishing this institution is that the quality education could be achieved at an affordable price.
From my prospective, also the faculty in my college is dedicated enough to the profession, and the quality of education is worth of continuing education in the college.
Moreover, in my opinion, the campus size is exactly right for the friendly, but, at the same time, diverse atmosphere. The pluralistic society within the college is amazing. Lots of variable clubs are annually arganized on campus. Different intercollegiate events and activities including athletics, performances, and college fairs are held in my institution.
Generally, Rockland Community College became my first choice after I graduated from the high school, because that institution was able to provide career-oriented degrees and certificates. After successful completing of the Associate's degree, students have a great opportunity to earn credentials for immediate employment.
Stop and think about your future. Begin to think of where you think you want to spend the next several years of life, and what you wish to be doing. After you know what you want to do, get started planning out how you can best attain that goal. The important thing is to be realistic with yourself. Really look at your strengths and weaknesses, and if you think you just might not be capable of what you're hoping to do, get started thinking of what you can do. Shoot high, but don't procrastinate and shoot yourself in the foot.
The main thing to keep in mind when heading to college is to figure out what you want to do - now - and get organized toward achieving that goal. It's easy to get left behind in the hustle and bustle that is getting admitted, registering for classes, getting financial aid, and learning what you're supposed to be doing. And remember, nothing is permanent. It's much better to be in a school you want to be in and switching your major than in a school you don't like due to getting overwhelmed trying to get in.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell my younger self to just be yourself when you get to college. Starting college is a lot like starting a new life. You get here and faced with new people, new classes and new experiences and the best thing to do is just be yourself no matter who that may be. If you are yourself you will make friends and you will succeed. There is only one you and people will accept you for who you are. Trying to fit in and trying to be someone you're not will only lead to stress. Trying to be somebody else is difficult, there is only one you and you cannot try and be somebody different. My only advice for the younger me is to just be yourself because if you do that everything else will just fll into place.
Starting college is a first step on the long road of your life. It is different and new; and the unknown is often frightening. But don’t lose time being shy and scared to come out of your comfort zone. College is the time when you figure out who you are, what you want from life and how to get there. Don’t fade in the background waiting for something to happen. Make it happen. Be active, be engaged, be a leader. Don’t wait for your classmates to start talking to you first, they might be shy too. Take the initiative and make friends. Loyola has amazing resources for any interest and goal. Search for your own. Try as many as you can if you are not sure what you like. Don’t be afraid to ask for information and help, this is your school, everybody is here for you. Make your life at Loyola unique because it is a once in a life time experience. Make it count.
Attending college is valuable in more ways than just academics. I love my classes, teachers, and peers. Loyola requires a core which according to them is meant to make you a more well rounded person. By taking classes I wasn't planning on I found new interests and meet many inspiring people that I wouldn't have otherwise. On the other side of the spectrum, attending school so far away from home has made me a more dependent person. It has helped me manage my finances, time, eating habits, and more. Coming to college was probably the biggest step I have ever had to take and I feel like I have really grown up this past semester. Moving to a big city I had a whole new world to explore. I had to learn to rely on myself and not others to get around. It has also taught me that I have to work for things I want, like grades (where in high school they spoon fed you), I have to determine what I need versus what I want, and I am finally making my own decisions. In the end you learn chores and lesson your parents said were important.