Lubbock Christian University Top Questions

What kind of person should attend Lubbock Christian University?


Very social, someone who wants a lot of involvement and a small town feel


Students of all walks of life can easily walk on to this campus and be treated like they are part of a family. Anyone looking for direction, guidance, or aid would do well at this institution. The staff at LCU want to see you succeed and achieve your goals and will stand beside you in your education ventures and help you as much as you are willing to help yourself. Help is readily available and professors will take the time to help and aid in answering questions and do not offload their work on teaching assistants. Students love LCU.


Any one


a christian, friendly, conservative person


A person attending LCU could be any kind of person. Race, gender, religion or money would not be an issue for the school, so it should not be for the student. Although this person should be serious about attending LCU, be willing to work hard, be able to keep a good attitude, and be flexible. If the person comes with these things, they will succeed, but most of all that person needs to focus on the end. Looking ahead and keeping your eye on the prize., which is an education to help improve your life.


Religion-based, disciplined, fun-loving, small-town people would most likely fit right in here at Lubbock Christian University. Helpful, friendly, cheerful folks are always a plus, but shy and quiet people can also find their places here.


someone looking to build great relationships with their peers and professors