Lubbock Christian University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Lubbock Christian University know before they start?


Will: Check under your bed – nobody else knows that you hide that stuffed tiger down there do they? I know that it reminds you of home. It was hard leaving home, I understand. No matter what, Will, I want you to know you made the right decision. This is going to sound crazy, but I am you in the future. I want to write and encourage you. I remember feeling down – you are 790 miles from home and almost four months from seeing mom and dad again. Your sister misses you, and I promise your five year old brother has not forgotten who you are, what a silly thing to think! You are prepared to handle anything. High school made sure of that. College will not be any more academically rigorous then the last two years. Remember where your priorities are. I know you are worried about the people you will meet. After all, attending a school where you don’t know anybody is tough. Guess what? You are not the only one in that boat! God is taking care of you, take a deep breath, and mom is always ready to talk to you. Make the most of it.


Apply to all the universities and colleges that interest you. Apply for SCHOLARSHIPS, FAFSA, SCHOLARSHIPS, GRANTS, SCHOLARSHIPS. Loans are not very fun to have, but if they are your last resort, go for the smallest amount loans you are offered. Every campus has their perks and you never know what each campus can offer, from scholarship opportunity to even work opportunity. College really is not as scary as every makes it seem. The work load does increase but time management is the key. Once you get a groove of your schedule you will do perfectly fine. If you end up choosing a college that is in the same city you live, LIVE AT HOME. It is so much cheaper that way. If you have no other option, living in the dorms is pretty fun. You are more involved that way. Do not be afraid to be yourself because if any does not like the way you are or your views, there are plenty of people to meet that will love you just the way you are. Just take a deep breath and step into it with confidence and optimism. Oh, and did I mention applying for scholarships?


You will never be fully prepared. Don't misunderstand me; preparation is wise. Do your research and do not procrastinate. But realize, putting something off until you are "fully prepared" is a form of procrastination in and of itself. Do not allow a fear of failure to keep you from trying. Better to flounder and learn than to never succeed, because you never even tried. Set goals and deadlines. Give yourself adequate time to prepare - then make an attempt when you reach your deadline. We learn best through experience, and life is experience. Allow yourself to live.


I have been asked this question before when applying for an Orientation Leader, and my response is always the same....Don't be afraid for leap higher than you thought you could! I used to be the safe guy who never took risks and tried new things because i like routines and feeling a sense of security. From my first at Lubbock Christian i was thrown into a world of so many new opportunities; and at the same time, they all seemed lame and not worth my time. Today, I am a 2nd year Summer Camp Counselor, a 2nd time Orientation Leader, have successfully pledged a fraternity, met Condolezza Rice, and been in 6+ theatre productions, all because I dreamed and leaped higher than ever expected! People are sometimes afraid to change, maybe because they are scared of what it will lead to, but I say if you leap with good intentions, the distances you can go are endless!


I would tell myself that the best is yet to come. In college, there are so many better people, better opportunities, better coursework than I could ever imagine. Weekly activities in college are events like a paint brawl on the front lawn, campfire devotionals with friends, star gazing at nights, Study sessions with friends. High school has so much drama, whereas in college you spend most your time enjoying ife and getting to know some of the best people you have ever met. You will be challenged academically, but the professors won't forsake you. You'll get to become friends with many of your professors, as you'll see them around campus and spend time in their office just talking. People know you by name, whether its your classmates, your professor, or the president of the university. You won't be unknown, people will be there for you. There will be tough times ahead, but you won't have to face them alone. College is everything you can imagine and more. Enjoy high school, but know the best is yet to come.


In the 11 years I have been our of high school, I have learned numerous life lessons and have taken the baptism by fire route. If I were to speak to myself as a senior in high school, my best advice I could give myself is take chances, overcome your fears, do what makes you happy, and most of all don't conform in attempt to be accepted. By taking chances I refer to going to school in a place you want to go to. Dont just settle for what is close and convienient. You have offers nationwide. Take a chance and explore the world while obtaining your education. Its is beautiful out there and worth seeing. Dont be afraid to take this step. You have friends and family that no matter how many miles away will be there day in and day out to support and encourage you. Bravery comes with support and the safety net of home isnt all it s made out to be. Lastly and most importantly be you. Dont be someone your arent and act a certain was in an attempt to conform and find acceptance. Those people will hurt you. Go with your gut.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would offer advice to myself about how to choose the best college. I would explain how important it is to observe that campus' life, to know if it is a school where student involvement is encouraged or if it is a place only for learning. I would need know that while it is vital to have an interview with the department head of my major, it is the other teachers who will make a difference in my first year. I would tell myself to keep in mind how far away I want to be; that distance can be uncomfortable during the first few months, and that I will want to keep Mom and Dad close. But most of all, I would assure myself that as long as I keep my mind open and a smile on my face, I will make friends before I knows it.


If I could go back in time and tell myself something significant about college life, I'd probably say, "Think it all through". In my opinion, seniors are often swayed heavily by location, friends, popularity, etc.. when deciding which school to choose. What I have learned since being a college student is that it doesn't matter where you are, it matters who's there with you. If you have great friends with similar beliefs and interests surrounding you, you can't go wrong. Also, making a decision on "Where should I go?", isn't as big of a deal as it's made up to be. If you go somewhere and don't like it, no biggie! Just go somewhere else. Find the college that makes you completely comfortable and happy.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior the advice I would give myself would be strive harder to make better grades, apply for scholarships in a hurry and speak to as many advisors as possible. If I knew at the time how important getting good grades were I would have put one hundred times more effort in. This would lead to more scholarship opportunities, if I had known then that I would be struggling to get into school today, I would have started right away planning for scholarships. I would have also set up as many appointments with different school advisors so I could get more information to help better my future. I honestly started college very blindly; it wasn’t until now that I understand the importance of making the grade, applying for scholarships, and touching base with advisors day to day. School is very important to me today, I work very hard to keep my grades up and I am trying extremely hard to find financial help to better my future. I have a passion to succeed and I can with your help. Thank you for your time.


All through your senior year in high school, you hear how important going to college is and deciding what you want to do with your life. As an 18 year old, the last thing you want to think about is having fun and maybe squeezing school into your busy schedule. But now as an adult trying to return to school after 10 yrs, I now see the importance. I actually saw the imortance about 4 years ago when I reentered the workforce when my child started school. So , to the high school senior, take chosing your major and chosing your school just like if you were doing it for your children. The future is very important!!!