Luther College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Luther College know before they start?


Say true to yourself.


My senior year was a stressful, worrisome time for me. Not only did I worry about the colleges I was applying for, and the cost of which college to go to, but I was extremely worried about my grades and expectations of my teachers. If I were to go back in time, to my senior year of highschool, I would tell myself not to worry as much. Being in college now, I wish I hadn't stressed so much in highschool. Life was much easier then, the stress levels minute compared to that of my college now. If I were to go back in time to my highschool senior self, I would tell me to enjoy the time I had left of my highschool career because college would be a mountain compared to the molehill that highschool was.


I would tell myself to wieght the location of the college more heavily. On-campus there is everything I would ever want in a school; however, there are times when I just want to get away and relax but find myself with no where to go. As a music major, I also would enjoy having a professional orchestra or chamber music society to go listen to. These organisations would also provide opportunities to audition and possible even to perform as a subsitited while still in school. Although I am quite satified with my professors, friends, and acedmeci environment, I wish I would have considered the schools location when deciding where to attend school.


Wow, If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior. I would tell myself to go off to college and not look back! I would tell myself to go to prom and have fun with my friends. I feel that I missed out on many many things through my high school and I regret that, but now I'm trying to go to college and get my RDAED-2. Which I'm so proud of myself for doing! If I could go back to high school and talk to myself I would have changed all my classes and taking the harder classes beacuse I know I could have done it, instead of taking the easy way out! I would have told myself college is the right choice for me. I would of said don't be scared you can handle anything that is thrown your way!, and if I could of done that I know I would have left high school and went on to college like I was suppose to!


To relax and just breathe. I need to not worry so much because I will be able to handle and manage everything that I do. At first it may seem overwhelming but in the end it really does get better. Once you make new friends and get acquainted with everything and everyone you feel just like at home. I am smart enough to just take care of the things that are really important. I need not to stress a lot before the situation takes place.


I think the only think I'd tell myself is to try and be more social. I find it very difficult to make friends, and I thought I would be able to keep in touch with my good friends from high school. Now that I know that's not true, I would have told myself to be open to new people and make new friends. Everything else has prepared me well enough for college, so I have nothing additional to add.


I would tell myself to make sure to savor every moment left of my senior year with the friends and family I love but to also begin to look forward to the new friends and opportunities ahead of me. Make yourself open to new experiences and people. View every thing with as much optimism as possible because this will help you cope as you transition from the world you used to know. Make sure to develop good study habits asap because the work load of college is much greater than that of high school. Ignore the pressures of others to find a career plan asap. College is designed to help you decide what you want to do with your life. Take classes in both things you love and things you know nothing about. Doing so will help you decide what youre passionate about. Its difficult to do but try to maintain a balance between work, studying, and time for yourself. What ever you do, do it with passion and committment to bettering yourself, your community and the world around you.


If I could talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself to slow down, enjoy it, and try everything at least once. Life happens so quickly and even faster in college where you are on your own, studying, planning, and hanging out with friends. One day it is your first day there and everything and everyone is new and unfamiliar. The next instant first semester is over, it is Christmas break and you are ordering books for second semester. Because it goes so fast I would tell myself to try a little of everything; at the activity fair sign up for as many things that sound interesting because you can always not go or be removed from the email list. Try intramurals, get to know your teacher and classmates - you will need their help sometime, join clubs, go to the sporting events and activities going on, say hi to a stranger passing by, and do something that would shock your friends and family like try ballroom dancing or join a bowling league or even take a road trip somewhere. Do not limit yourself to what you were in high school, be something new and have fun.


I would tell myself to study more. High school was always easy for me, and I rarely had to crack open a book to get A's. I knew that college would be more difficult but I didn't anticipate having to actually read a text book, not just skimming the headings. I would remind myself that I'm studying to prepare for the rest of my life, so each topic should and will be broken down into infintesimally small details. I would try and impress upon myself how difficult it is to get into medical school, but tell him that I'm confident that we can do it; after all we both know how stubborn and relentless we are.


One thing that I would definetly tell myself is to use my time wisely. I have spent many late nights doing homework, when I could be sleeping, but because of the poor choices I had to stay up. By staying up late, I would be to tired the next day to pay attention in class, which makes it hard to understand what you are learning. I another thing I woud tell myself is that even though you live with someone it doesnt mean that you have to be firends. My roommate and I this year fought constantly which took an emotional toll on me. I wanted so hard for her to like me, but she would just keep on being mean to me and I would get frustrated with myself wondering what was wrong with me. I would tell myself that is okay not to be best friends with your roommate. you just have to be polite and hopefully they will come around and if not it is okay. And if problems get really bad make sure to talk to you RA, it is very important to fix a problem before it gets worse.