Lyndon State College Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Lyndon State College? Why?


I would consider the worst thing about my school to be the freezing weather. I have lived in Virginia all of my life and the temperature difference is massive.


I think the worst part of my college is the gym. We have a great Exercercise Science program, which I'm part of, with a very limited gym. I think that if it was bigger with more updated equiptment that we could learn more and be better prepared for our professions in the future.


The junkies and the unmotivated. They just bring you down.


The limitations due to it's small size and budget (we don't always have the newest technology or equipment).


Even though we live in a very rural area, there tends to be nothing but drinking and drugs. Though, if you concider yourself an active person, you will find yourself, skiing, sledding, making snowmen etc. Which in all, will keep you out of that kind of negative activity.


It is becoming increasingly difficult to earn a bachelors degree in 4 years. It is like they are intending to keep you long to get more money.


The fact that the school is in the middle of no where makes it difficult to reach civilization but it makes you closer to the people around you.


The fact that there are no standards to get in here- literally. You don't have to take the SAT or ACT, or anything like that. With this comes idiots that come to college only to 'rage'.


Food, I am dropping my meal plan next semester and cooking in my room or in a kitchen that is far away from my room. The inconvenience is worth not dealing with Aramark. I am part of a committee that is working on changing the dining options.


The ability to find things to do on-campus during the winter months.