Lyndon State College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Lyndon State College know before they start?


Going to college away from home was the greatest growing experience of my life. Home sickness is tough for the first couple of weeks, but after you get over that hurtle, you begin to take charge of your life and grow in so many ways. The friends you make in college, will be you best friends for life. Do not go into school without an open mind. Take the crazy courses that are outside your major as they may be your real passion in the end. Get time management down and do not over extend yourself. So many students try to take all the classes, hold down a job and have a social life and in the end, something suffers and it is usually your grades. Be realistic and you will achieve great things on all aspects of college life. It will be as rewarding to you, socially , educationally, and personally as it was for me.


Start all of your scholarship and grant work earlier, so you aren't rush trying to do it all at the last minute. Also try and take more AP classes so you don't have as many college courses to take.


I would say play as hard as you can leave everything on the field or court and take nothing with you. Because once you are done all you have is your memeries. Live it up and love it all as much as you can. Once it is over and you walk across that stage and you go back it is not the same. Also I would tell myself to study even harder and make the absolute best grades you can. Because the better GPA you have when you leave high school the more money you can get from scholarships and there will be more oppertunities for you. When you are trying to pick a school to go to for the next two to four years go look at the schools and try to picture yourself going to school there. If you do that and like the feeling of it and you get all excided about going to that school then thats where you should go. If you cannot picture yourself at that school then do not go to it and keep looking and never give up with anything you do and always do your best no matter what. Gook Luck!


Hit the ground running by joining any club or activities that spark your interest. This is a way of easing the transition of entering a new academic community by meeting new people and gaining essential social and professional experiences. By intereacting with many kinds of people, the cure for homesickness is developed. You feel that you are contribuing to this new place you are going to be calling home for the next four years.


Skiing has always been a passion of mine. I have an outgoing personality and enjoy meeting people from different walks of life. The ski resort promoted me to manager after three years. One ski season, I was talking to a manager at the ski resort who had graduated from a Vermont college that offered a bachelor degree in ski resort management. This program combines a practical business education with my passion and love of skiing. It doesn't feel like work at all because I'm motivated by doing what I enjoy. My mom is always telling me to find my passion. I have found my passion and I feel very lucky that I have found a degree program and a career path. Lyndon State has an excellent placement rate at some of the best ski resorts in the country. I research and found that my prior manager now works at the largest ski resort in Utah. I look forward to achieving my bachelors in ski resort management and then a masters in business administration. I believe that will be a great combination to someday landing a good management position at a large ski resort.


I love going to Lyndon State College for 4 reasons- the small class sizes, the friendly people, the close community and the disscounts that I get since my twin sister goes here as well. If I were to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I might have picked a school with better lab facilitys and possably a forestry program. I don't regret my choice in schools I just don't always feel like I am getting all the experience and that I need to make it out there in the real world in the feild in which I have chossen. If I were to give myself advice back then it would have been mostly about remembering to pack things like a sewing kit, Vicks Vapor Rub, Cold Medicine and a heating pad of some sort. One thing that I used to worry about back in high school was going to college with my Twin and while here I am happy with that choice everyday, since it made the transition and all the othere college stuff that much easier.


I would tell myself that college isn't as scary as I thought it was going to be. I would have made sure to calm down. Going into college, I was so nervous and also sad about leaving my family, but after being there for a week or so, I realized it's not scary. I would tell myself to make sure to have better study habits. I now know that if you create good study habits in high school, then it'll be much easier to study in college. I would tell myself to make sure to have good time management. In college, no one tells you when to eat, when to study, when to go to bed, or even when to get up in the morning. I would make sure that I realize to make more time to sleep. Lastly, I would tell myself not to buy so much stuff for college. When I went dorm room shopping, I ended up buying a lot of extra storage bins that I just didn't need. It's a good idea to check out the dorm rooms ahead of time to figure out how much storage space you have.


If I could go back and talk to myself as a senior, I would give myself 3 pieces of advice based on what I know now about college life. 1. appreciate food - It took me a few weeks to realize that not everyone has an unlimited food plan, and are not permitted to eat as much as they would like and since now I'M paying for my food, I appreciate how my Mom not only paid for all the food I ate, but the fact that she cooked it, AND it tasted good, so I guess the real advice is just to appreciate moms. 2. scholarships- There's always a place where more money is needed. I actually thought I had my Freshmen year paid off, however the amount the school gave us did not include books, traveling and a bunch of other "little" expenses that scholarship money could help with. 3.more math- I really wish I spent my summers in Summer School doing more math to get ahead, I see now in college that most people who are ok in Math did great and were really advanced in high school math courses.


When I was a highs chool senior I wasn't sure what I wanted to major in. I hastily chose Graphic Design, because my best friend did it and I thought I would be good at it. If I could go back in time, the first thing I would tell myself is that it's okay to go into college with open studies. I don't have to choose a major right away to enroll, and that it would most likely would have been more helpful if I took a variety of courses instead of testing out a single major.


Looking back I might have looked at schools that where out of state. I would also look at more schools I picked the school I go to currently because it gave me the most money and cost the least. I would also suggest more afterschool activities and stuff that would look better so that I could get some scholarhips. I would also tell myself that college is not at scary as I might think it is just like high school with differnt kinds of homework and the option to maybe get a nap in between classes. Don't worry to much as long as you are learning about something you love.