MacMurray College Top Questions

What should every freshman at MacMurray College know before they start?


The main thing I would say to myself is to remember the gift that I am being given by being able to attend. It is not something that is mandated like high school. I hated high school, however I love college. I would let myself know that there are differences between the two. College is about finding yourself in a respectable way. Finding what you want to do in life and beginning that path to achieve it. I would advise myself to take college, classes and myself seriously. Also that I have more potential than I am showing at the moment. I would also tell myself to get all that I can out of the experience and classes. I would let myself know to take all the courses that I can and absorb it all in. It is a once in a lifetime experience for most and to take advantage of it all.


If I could go back now and talk to myself as a high school senior, the best advice I could give myself would be to apply for scholarships. I shouldn?t have just depended on my ACT score to get me money for school. When I was notified that I would be getting $11k a year from MacMurray, I thought that?s just fine, I don?t need any more than that. What I didn?t realize, however, was how fast the loans I have gotten add up. If I could go back, I would have tried a little harder to get scholarships to pay for what is left over. I would say to myself, ?Stop being lazy and write an essay or two.? I also would also tell my senior self to take the COMP Modual classes second semester at LLCC to give myself extra time for electives instead of wasting three classes on Rhet in college. Otherwise, I don?t believe I would change anything else I am doing well, and well on my way to a career that I want.


The first thing I would say to myself is that no college is perfect. There will be professors you don't like. There will be classmates you don't like. There will be times when you absolutely hate that place and you have the worst homesickness. You will be bond to experience some of those things where ever you go. I would tell myself and any other college freshman, don't stay out a party all night. It's okay to have fun, but make sure you do your work and get plenty of rest. If you need help or have difficulties don't be afraid to go talk to your professors and get help. The very last thing I would tell myself is to, relax. Take it one day at a time. Explore your options. It's okay to say, "I don't think this place is for me, maybe I need to look around some more." However, even if you don't like the place don't be afraid to make friends and be sociable. College is about learning and growing, but it's also about having fun.


Keep your head up, and work hard towards your goal. Don't get discriminated when things don't go the way they're supposed to.


Think it over real hard before you make any decision that will affect you in the long run.


Imagine the campus, picture yourself there. Think of the things you can do there and what things may be a little harder. Look into the community and see what it has to offer. Make an effort to contact a current student. When visiting the campus, come prepared with questions about the school. Make a list of essential things you desire of a school. For example, I desired a small school with a small classroom settings taught by professors that where highly qualified for the degree I was seeking. Ask about extra curricular activates and opportunities in the community, especially in your field of choice. If at all possible contact your roommate-to-be. Trading e-mails prier to moving in with him or her makes the process less stressful. And remember you are the one making this decision.


One of the most important aspects in a college for me is the class size. The first thing I would tell them is to make sure they could keep there mind on their school work if they went to a big school. If they aren't sure maybe they should try a community college for a year to see how they would fit into it. This would also give students and parents an oppurtunity to see if they can handle being away from home., or having thier children awway from home. The student could go to a community college in there home town or close to it and live in an apartment.


To parents I would say to not freak out about the price for college! There are a lot of scholarships and loans. Look for the best school for your child's major. And finally, let them pick where they want to go.




Always go with your gut instinct. If you think a college is right for you, go for it. Don't choose a college just because your being pressured to go, or because you're scared. It's always scary going somewhere you don't know, but it 's an amazing experience, and you'll make friends for life. While you're in college, always make sure you're doing well in class, but make sure you're having fun too. College is meant to be a life changing experience, and you should make it worth your money and time. So keep up with your grades, but don't forget to have fun and make a lot of friends - you can't get through college without them.