The advice that I would give to myself as a high school senior would be to stay focused. The initial excitement of college wears off and you'll be happier to have a high GPA than to have gone out every Thursday. The organizations on campus really are beneficial to your future, so take advantage. I would make sure to express how important it is not to have a lazy mind or be scared of a program because of its difficulty. And, lastly, I would tell myself not to second guess my instincts on the career that is best for me. (DON'T CHANGE YOUR MAJOR, HANNAH!)
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself not to stress about what lies ahead. College is going to be fine so don't worry so much. That doesn't mean that college classes are going to be easy . Nursing school is going to kick your butt at times, but hang in there because it will all be woth it. This is going to be a challenge but I know you can do it. Study diligently but don't be so hard on yourself that you forget to have fun and spend time with your family and friends. Please apply for as many scholarships as you can because you are going to need all the help that you can get. You are going to meet some cool people and have some awesome teachers that you won't soon forget. Above all, always serve the Lord with all of your heart. Good luck to you. I already know that you are going to do great. I have a feeling that some day you are going to become a wonderful nurse.
If I could go back and have a conversation with myself as a high school senior, there would be much to say to myself. The first thing that I would say would be to not stress out as much. As a senior I stressed so much on wanting to make the right decision for my life. Where to go to school, what to major in; I stressed with everything. I would also tell myself to take time for applications to schools, scholarships, grants, and everything that one could possibly apply to. Making the transition would have been easier if I would have had more scholarships under my belt. I constantly worry about not having enough money to finish out school besides on loans. The last thing I would tell myself is to enjoy being a senior in high school. I would tell myself that I have plenty of friends, but they are not my high school friends, so I should enjoy the limited time I have with them. The people I graduated with were the people I grew up with. Knowing what I know now, I wish I had stressed less and had more fun with my friends.
I would tell myself that college is just a bigger high school with more people I don't know. Although the classes may be difficult, do not procrastinate on assignments and always pay attention. Take good notes and do not sleep through class no matter how difficult it may be.
As a highschool senior I was an athlete. I strived to make good grades but I was more focused on my sport. Athletic scholorships are few and far between anymore because that is the only avenue for so many. I would tell seniors today to always make sure they work so hard on keeping their academics in check. Don't let any time slip through your fingers. I started taking college classes my senior year of highschool. By the time I graduated I already had 12 hours of college credit. Had I continued at that pace I could already have graduated and have my own career. So at this point I am 28 , a mother and still trying to finish my degree so that I can prepare for my childs future.
To sum it up Keep going! Strive for the moon don't stop at the stars.
I would not let myself feel pressured into making any big decisions starting out in college. I would tell myself "you are young. you will have tons of opportunities and you will probably want to do everything under the sun." I would make it clear to myself that my general education is the best way to start and to sample other classes to find out what I really wanted to major in instead of taking as much time and money has I have no to find that out. Nobody is ever "sure" of what they want to do I think, but there are instances where you can truly find what you DO NOT want to do. Process of elimination, take different classes, do well in them even if you dont like them, but at least you know that is not your "dream career" path.
Looking back as a high school senior, I would tell myself to take all the classes that would have given me college credit in high school, that by doing this I would graduate college faster. I would also tell myself at 18, that do not be such a procrastinator and break that habit right then and there because college does not put up with procrastinators and if you snooze you lose. I would also tell myself that you won't get anywhere by trying to be everybody's friend, just to fend for yourself and don't take slack off anybody. You are who God made you and be proud of that, you will succeed, don't let anybody get in the way of your dream.
The advice I would give myself from knowing what I know now is that I wouldn't sit around an waste time, but would get enrolled in college as soon as possible. An I wouldn't worry about starting out at a four-year university, because it's not all about going out of state etc to go to college now days. If someone is really meant to be discovered or found because of a skill or something they have they can get discovered just as quick at a community college as well.
Do not get discouraged about have difficulty in choosing a major. It is a hard decision to make, and it requires you to thoroughly evaluate yourself. Take your time, and conduct a lot of research on each major that may interest you, and even the ones you think may not appeal to you at all. The most important thing to remember is that your professors and your school is there to help you all they can. So, don't be afraid to ask questions and ask for help. Remembering this one thing can play a vital role in determing your success in college. Also, don't get discouraged in yourself. College can be difficult, and very stressful. Always work hard and push yourself to be better. If you give something everything you possibly can, then there will be no regrets afterwards. Don't always take the easy route. Continue to challenge yourself even if you think you can't do it. One of the greatest satisfactiona in life is to do something that doesn't come easy to you, putting all you have into it, and then finally succeeding.