Madonna University Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Madonna University?


The need for greater offerings of extracurricular activites suitable for non-traditional and commuter students. This type of student needs to have a deeper sense of belonging to the atmosphere of campus life.


The most frustratig thing about my schools is that it does not have enough student life, does not have enough study area at nights when study still needs to study. The library closes at 10 30 and I would love it if our school provided a 24 hour lab like other universities. Also, there are not that many food choices while you are on campus.


tough classes, as the college has their critieria in what classes arfe acceptable for transfer and the cost is very expensive


It is hard to get ahold of the teachers.


The fact that most people commute, it's hard to make friends.


the financial situation. they are not very helpful when it comes to financial aid or figuring out how you are to pay for all of the many expenses. it is very expensive and i think they should be more helpful and understanding to the students when it comes to ther college finances.