Malone University Top Questions

Describe the students at Malone University.


I am in an RN to BSN program so the students I have met are not new high school grads. Most of them have experience in the workforce and have the same challenges I do of juggling work, family, college and life in general.


Passionate, dedicated, determined, educated, and equipped to meet any challenges head on and overcome them.


In the majority of my classes, the teacher does a fair amount of interactive activities to help enhance the learning atmosphere. This helps the class feel united. I was involved in a learning cluster, so most of my classes were with the same people. This really made my transition helpful because I felt uncomfortable upon arriving. It was nice to know that there were other people like myslef who I could relate to.


Those attending Malone are mostly happy individuals pursuing their degree.


My classmates at Malone are very fun, compassionate people who help anyone with anything.


My classmates are all very positive, outgoing, and succesful students. They all have high standards for school and life and set goals to achieve. They are easy to talk to and enjoy the classroom as well.


They are dedicated and devoted to this institution, and have a great desire to succeed.


The personality of the students here are as diverse as most schools, some are worse than others, but most people here are really great, if a little naive sometimes.


Typical classmates range from acutely attentive to comatose.


They are very friendly and willing to help if needed, they also are very personable and wanting to get to know most people they come in contact with in each class.