Malone University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Malone University know before they start?


I have learned what I believe and why I believe it. I have also learned how to be my own person and accept responsibility. I have learned how to be a true caring friend.


I have gotten much out of my college experience. Before I came to Malone College, I did not have a lot of friends. Now I have quite a few. I have made friends with a relatively diverse group of people. In that diversity, there has been some ideological worldviews that are different from mine. It has been interesting to discuss these viewpoints. Often, we have to agree to disagree. However, it is still fun to discuss (and in some cases debate) certain topics. I have also learned quite a bit at Malone. My opinions on some things have changed since I got here, but some have staye the same. Finally, I have definitely grown spiritually, which is a definite plus of going to a Christian college.


College helps better my education and help me achieve my career goal to become a Physical Therapist. Occupations today require people have more than just a high school diploma this is why people need to attend college.


I was nervous when I made the decision to go to college. After knowing my whole life that my parents did not attend college I constantly stuggled with the choice of starting to work right out of high school, or to continue my education at the next level. After making this decision and now ending my first official year of college, I am so happy that I made the choice to enroll. Not only have I had the chance to make friends that will last a lifetime, but I'm bettering the chances of an amazing future and a chance to finance a family if I decide to have one someday. Although there is the occasional homesick days, I've learned to be independent and rely on myself more and more which is essential for when I graduate from college. I feel that I have gotten a sense of responsibility, pride, and determination out of attending college and I feel that going to a college will ensure a better chance at a brighter future.


I have loved my experience at school so far! The key for me was to get involved as much as possible. I am the type of person who loves to get involved in programs and being a part of them brings me joy. I worked hard my Jr. and Sr. year in high school to be able to be accepted in a football program at a university. Through the help of my father and coach, I obtained my dream in playing ball at the college level. Through this experience, I have meet people that I immediately clicked and connected with because we share same standards spiritually, and relationally. Through our shared interest in the Lord and his grace, I know we will eventually become friends with meaning and substance. I now have friends who genuinely care about me and understand the types of struggles I go through. I have also learned how to live on my own without my parents acting like a bubble of protection. Making my own descisions has really challenged me to live like Christ. My daily struggle is to be like Him, and I now feel like I can do that through this new freedom.


As a high school senior, I thought I knew exactly where I was going with my life, and there was no room for detour in the plan. Then, I actually got to college. I was accepted to my number one choice school, got a great scholarship, and was accepted into my major program. However, as the months dragged on, I began to feel that it was not the place for me. There were and are great things about that school, but not all of them were great for me. Things I now realized I wanted in a school, such as a religious background, being closer to home, and having a friendly atmosphere, are things I overlooked in my initial search, and are just what I have found at my new university. I am not one who likes to be thrown off of my path, and I was in a big way. However, I realized much more about myself then I ever knew I would in just my first semester in college. My advice? Don't be afraid to be open to new changes, even if you think it's not what you wanted in the first place. You never know!


Realize than more often than not, the people you have as friends in high school will not be your closest friends after college. The reason this is important is that you are who you associate with. Often those we associate with in high school are not pursuing the same goals which may deter you from achieving your goals. How so? Choosing a college based on where your friends plan to attend vs. degree program or cost can prevent you from achieving your dream. It is quite possible the friends you have in high school do not intend to graduate college and the draw to the path of least resistence is strong. It is important to immerse yourself in friendships that inspire you, challenge you, and encouage you to do more than you ever thought possible. Having a friend who reminds you why you are pursuing a college education may be the one thing that get you to graduation especially when taking core classes or while you are spending hours you do not have volunteering for free as a requirement of graduation. College friendships tend to be deeper and long lasting as compared to those from high school.


Transitioning into college life is a very difficult time for most students and so looking back there are various bits of information that I would tell myself. Firstly ,my advice would be to thoroughly research the colleges you want to go to. You definitely don't want to make a rush decision and discover that the college you chose is completely the opposite of what you were looking for.. Also I would give myself the advice to take classes that will pertain to what you are planning to major in. I learned that many of the courses open to me in high school could have definitely helped for my classes this year because they give great background to many of the courses I am taking this semester. Lastly, my main piece of advice would have been to be prepared for anything and open your mind to new things. When transitioning into college many people go through an identity crisis. It is a new environment and new everything which allows you to reinvent yourself and be who you want to be. College is the beginning of who you will become as an adult, so make the most of it.


Assuming that I could go back in time and talk to myself before college, there are a few things I should have been more prepared for. Initially, I would warn myself of a few mistakes commonly made; never underestimate any class even if you feel prepared for it, and first impressions of people do count but it is getting to know who they really are which is the most important. Secondly, I would tell myself not to be as stubborn. I have an auto immune disease that I do not like to admit is a weakness to my abilities. Therefore, I would tell myself not to overload my schedule, especially when just starting out at college and trying to stay healthy is a challenge on its own. I would then explain that my constant worry over situations will only cause more problems. If I had been able to tell myself these things, I may have listened and things may have changed. However, I feel that I went through all the things I went through for a reason, I may not know what that reason is yet, but I am still learning and more importantly, I am learning from my mistakes.


I would definitely go back in time and tell myself many things that I wish I knew now. First of all, work harder! If you think you are working hard there is always something more that you can do to achieve. Second thing I would say, get involved! Many students don't care to put there time in at school because it doesn't matter to them since they are a senior and will be leaving school soon anyway but it does matter, even those little things can get you scholarships. The third and final thing I would say is, prepare! Don't wait until the last minute to do something, be assertive and take action. You don't even know how expensive college can be if you don't prepare. Scholarships are out there and if you don't apply then don't expect for them to just be dropped in your lap. It is always best to be prepared in any situation such as the transition from a high school senior to college because it is different no matter what anyone says. You are an adult now and it is time to take action.