Manchester University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Manchester University know before they start?


If I could go back in time I would advise myself to live on campus during college and apply for more scholarships before college!


I would tell myself not to be afraid to push; to push myself to try new things and meet new people and feel new things. Push myself to become so much more than what I thought I could be. I would tell myself to realize that the greatest friends you can make are the people who take care of you when you are sick and sit and watch classic college movies with you in the dorm. Push yourself to engage your mind and body with every chance you get and never be afraid to take chances. Mistakes are the best thing that will happen to you because they show you that you have to open your eyes to new people and ideas and abandon unnecessary prejudices you once thought justified. Never be afraid to take a leap of faith while pushing yourself and others to be so much more than you anticipated. Lastly, push yourself to meet every new face you see because everyone is the most important person so someone else; you should put forth the effort to find out why. Never stop pushing through hard times and through boundaries because the harder you push, the higher you go.


Make sure you find somewhere that you feel comfortable and safe and feel like you can develop into the adult that you want to be.


I would tell the Parents to look at the financial aspects of the school including the cost and the financial aid given by the school and the government, but also be supportive of the students choice. For the student I would tell him/her to look at the size of the school, the majors offered, and the cost of the school. When taking these into account one should compare them to one's own likes and personality. If you like to have the one on one attention of your proffessors then a smaller school would most likely be a better choice. Look at the majors that the school offers and whether you have options of change between them should you decide that your first choice is not what you want to do. Finally look at the cost of the school and the financial aid that you are eligible for from both the school and the government and talk with your parents about how they would be willing to help. Then make your desicion and enjoy your college career.


Searching for the right college for you may seem hard, but all you really need to know is yourself. I was very confused on how to make the right decision on choosing what college was best for me, but I did it based on what I would like as a social and learning experience. Ask yourself questions such as these: Do I prefer a busy, crowded environment or a small, open environment? Do I want the professors to know me by name or by a number? Do I want more hands on classes in smaller classrooms or more lectures in bigger classrooms? Does the school have an enhancing program for the major I want? Basically, when I was considering what school was right for me, I was undecided based on the size of the school, and how much help I would really receive whether in a large or small classroom. After realizing that I truly am a hands on learner, that I wanted more interactions with professors, and that I wanted an small environment like home, I knew Manchester was right for me. Therefore, ask yourself these questions and make a pro and con list to decide between your choices.


College changes everything, choosing a college based on academics and your desired setting should not summarize the importance. Know what your stepping into! Attend a few classes of different academic fields, focus on your own attitude and the attitude of the other students in the room. Stay the night at the school, really the usual social life for college students begins after 9 or 10p.m. . If your an athlete talk to athletes that play your sport as well as others, you will find athletes who play your sport seem to hype up the academic and athletic programs so take opinions from different sports. Search for an area which you would feel comfortable with, something that brings you happiness or determination to do well in school. Your college experience is what you make it after all though, there are schools offered everywhere giving you a chance to succeed in life. Remind yourself that your decision is infact important; it's not what your parents want you to do nor what your coach wants you to do, but what your willing to do for your future.


Try to find a college that will match your personality, but still gives you that opportunity to expand and change your views. It is important for the school to be able to challage. you both accademically and personally. Through this challage you will be able to find both what you want to do in life but also who you want be.


Remember the advantage of having smaller classes and more one on one attention from professors. While small schools can become overwhelming, they are amazing when it comes to getting a full, well-rounded learning experience.


Check your options. Find out where relatives or other friends went. Have them share their experiences with you. FInd a college that has a program in your field, with a faculty that knows what they're teaching. Know what you're looking for, and if it doesn't work out, there's always the option of transferring to someplace more enjoyable.


Get involved in things happening on campus and get to know your professors.