Manor College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Manor College know before they start?


There are several words of wisdom and advice i would give about college life. First of all, i would advise all high school seniors to make those college fairs and schedule visits. I would also advise on the importance of doing your own research on college. I would tell students to develope a relationship with your guidance counselor, let him or her know what your interest are and career goals. I would look into financial aid and scholarships that are available. I would advise communication with your parents. Furthermore, i would tell you to know your strengths and weaknesses before choosing a college. Know if you work better in small or larger classroom settings. I would advice extracurricular activities, because it helps with structure and organization of time management. I would advise not choosing a college because your friends are choosing that college. Lastly, i would advise you to take your grades very serious, take those SAT prep classes to prepare for the big test.


If I could go back in time and tell myself something about attending college; it would be to take a college education more seriously. That an education is a precious commodity to let go to waste. Make sure that the college you pick is the one you are willing to stick it out with; do not follow your friends to a school that you are not that interested in because you are setting yourself up for failure. Make your own choices and trust your judgement and you will never faulter.