Mansfield University of Pennsylvania Top Questions

Describe the students at Mansfield University of Pennsylvania.


Most of my classsmates are very friendly and make class time enjoyable.


My classmates here are helful and determined.


Most classmates are friendly, eager to learn, and are the type of students you can feel free to ask for help or to connect on a personal level.


Its hard to describe them as a whole because each of them bring a very unique experience to my time at mansfield, If I had to choose a word for mansfield students it would be connected, as we are a community and we are all accepting of eachother and are willing to work hard as a team to accomplish any task!


My classmates at Mansfield University are a diverse group. I attend the RN to BSN on-line program. Most of my classmates are fellow adult learners that work full time and have children. Some of my classmates are young adults attending Mansfield university right out of high school. We are all self-motivators that utilize the convenience of on-line learning.


My classmates are diverse and open, there is alot you can learn fromt hem because they come from all over so you get a little of everything.


my classmates are studios, hardworking, exemptory models of leadership and community, they represent what it mean to be culturally diverse.


My classmates range from people eager to learn to people who just don't care.


I don't have classmates yet.


My classsmates are very unique, to say the least.