Mansfield University of Pennsylvania Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Mansfield University of Pennsylvania?


To join the crowds, the only thing I can think of that really bothers me is the food. I'm thankful to have food to eat, but the quality really isn't that great.


The food. Sometimes it is hard to find good food or what you really want to eat on campus. But most times the meal you want is accessible.


That EVERYTHING is online. Sometimes it would be nice to have things in a hard copy.


One of the most frustrating things about school was trying to juggle classes, homework, social time, several part-time jobs, and sleep. I handled all of those responsibilities in high school, but it seemed easier because my time was chunked into two distinct pieces: School Day and After-School Day. In college, I found myself studying for an hour in the morning, then running to class for 90 minutes, then squeezing in lunch and two hours at my campus job, then running back to two more classes, then studying for an three hours before I went to my evening job.


The worst thing about my school is the poor cell phone coverage in the area.


The most frustrating thing about Mansfield is that there isn't much wiggle room if you want to change your major. Also, the fact that it is not a college town is frustrating. This town does not accommodate to the students and most of the stores, restaurants and companies close at unreasonable times for college students, besides a 24-hour Wal-Mart.


The most frustrating thing about my school would have to be the lack of financial aide available to students through the school. I received no financial aide through the government and hoped for some aide from the school for my academics and such but received nothing.


It is essentially a college on a mountain. The winters are fairly harsh here so don't come unless you like snow and the cold. You have to do a lot of walking as well to get to classes here. There is a huge hill in the middle of the campus that we have all termed "Cardiac." This is short for "Cardiac Arrest Hill." Don't walk up it unless necessary.


The most frustrating thing about my school is that their are a bunch of hills and only one bus.


The most frustrating thing about my school is the amount of time it takes to get the bill for attending along with taking a while to get the financial aid to go through. Another problem is the lateness in having the books up online for the classes in order to buy them.