Mansfield University of Pennsylvania Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


The best thing about Mansfield University is that the professors will help you with anything you need help with. The class sizes are also a good thing. Besides the very helpful faculty and the class sizes there is nothing else.


I like that Mansfield University is a small campus. It allows students to actually get to know their professors. I also like how the profesors really care about their students and the subject areas that they teach. We also have a really great President. I see her walking around campus all the time and getting to know the students. She goes to many events, allows people to stop by her house to talk and she opens her house up to the students to give us free treats.


I think this school has great academic programs and provides a wide variety of oppurtunities to it's students.


I think the best thing about my school is the amount of activies there are to choose from, and there's nothing that stops you from joining any of them.


The teachers are extremely experienced, and prepare you very well.


It's size. It small enough that all of your professors know who you are. It's also large enough that not everyone knows exactly who you are unless you want it to be that way. You know the people in your own department. It's so nice.


the best thing I consider about my school is better learning opportunities. students are willing to learn and be sucessful. best place to make friends, people are willing to hear what so ever you have to say, your opinon. every voice count at mansfield. people are willing to hear and help you. there are many ways to get helps, tutor, stuffs, professors, mentors, friends, and many more. all mansfield graduate tends to be sucessful and graduating. many jods opportunities on campus for students that in needs of fanicial helps. campus involvement, like clubs, organization, sorierty, work study and many more.