Marietta College Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about Marietta College?


I really enjoy that the school is so friendly and that it's situated in such a beautiful place. It's a pretty safe place to live, and it's a pretty quiet town. I like that it has such a good reputation and hope that this will help me in my plans after graduation. I also appreciate how you can get to know your professors and that they're so willing to help you.


The closeness of all the students and administration. They are very helpful and I have made great, long lasting friends here.


Bragging about Marietta College comes easily. When I do so, I focus on my small class sizes (average of 20 students), the caring faculty, the beauty of campus, and the leadership program. My academic career will prosper because of the attention that I receive from my professors because of the small class sizes and my professors' caring personalities. Marietta is a beautiful town and I feel like I'm walking through a postcard when I walk around. The Bernard P. McDonough Leadership program is a highly-esteemed school of leadership that I am proud to be a part of.


The quality of education that I'm receiving here at MC. It's amazing! Being an education major, I also brag about how fast the Education department gets its students out within the first year. Finally, I always note how much my advisor checks in with me during the year and makes sure that I'm keeping up with my studies.


In one of my classes this year, there will only be 5 students. That is incredible! I will learn so much in that class because I will have so much one on one time with the teacher.