Marietta College Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Marietta College? Why?


My current issue is with how my school spends its money. We pay about $40,000 in tuition per year, yet the school is still in debt. Some faculty members were laid off, yet there have been a few additions that I don't understand.


Some of the freshman housing is very small rooms considered to other ones.


The worst thing about Marietta College is that it is located in a small town far away from big cities.


The health center - poor hours and poor service if you manage to get in.


I think the worst thing about the school for me is the amount of work expected from the teachers. This may also have something to do with the fact that I am following the second most difficult major offered on campus. Even in the general education classes, which there are a lot required for a liberal arts school, there was still a lot of homework and other work required outside of class.


The worst thing about my school is the very high tuition costs. I will be in a lot of debt when I graduate because of the fact that tuition is around $38,000 a year.


I actually can not think about many disadvantages for attending Marietta College, except for the recent food poisoning incident . I know this isn't a huge aspect, except for the fact that about 1/3 of the school was affected by this incident, including me. This was a huge issue here at the college recently and I can honestly not think of anything else to criticize Marietta College for. I beleive this is a great school and I am very happy about my decision to attend Marietta College, sometimes I just wish the tuition was a little cheaper.


It is a very expensive school, about 35,000 per year only made it this year through scholarships. I really like the school I don't know if I can afford it again.


I'd have to say that although Marietta is diverse, racially and ethnically, there is room for improvement in that department. We do have a big Asian population, as well as African-American and Caucasian, that's about all. Marietta seems pretty bland in that sense.


Marietta College is situated in a smaller town and is nowhere near a larger city.