Marquette University Top Questions

Describe the students at Marquette University.


Many of my classmates are dull and not as quick witted as a college student should be...


Upper middle class for the most part, with parents that value a good college education. Most students spend a lot of money on appearance, they enjoy going out on the weekends but spend the week doing school work and meeting with their group organizations (whether it's frats, sororities, or business clubs).


Fun and spirited group of indivifuals.


Nursing classmates are very determined and excited to learn.


Marquette is predominately white, upper/middle class. But there definitely are other racial groups. There are also clubs geared towards these racial groups.


The student body is, bluntly, anything but diverse, speaking from the class room point of view. The professors are a but diverse, but the campus seems predominantly white suburban students. Students wear everything from sweatpants to suits to class. Nothing is innappropriate. It depends on what students have going on that day and what types of classes they have, and if presentations are happening. I have found that MU students are mostly friendly and outgoing, and genuinely like to meet new people. I never once felt lonely in a class, nor do you walk to class without seeing someone you know.


Marquette is a very casual place, everyone walks around in sweatpants and sweatshirts. Many students become friends through classes as well as extracirricular activities. Most students are from the Midwest and come from middle to upper class families.


Most students are average midwesterners. Most of them come from either Milwaukee, the surrounding areas of Wisconsin, or Chicagoland. While all economic groups are represented to some degree, most people are either middle class or upper middle class. I've always been fine with interacting with most people, whoever looks friendly. Generally, there aren't very many people who are openly exclusionary. Most students have political opinions, and here there are a mix of ideologies. Liberalism is probably most common, but conservatism also has a strong base, particularly among those in the ROTC program. Not many people focus on their future salary, which is a strong contrast to our neighbor down the street, the Milwaukee School of Engineering.


Very diverse and accepting. There is a gay-straight alliance group at Marquette, which I find interesting being that it is Jesuit. As a member of the gay community myself, I value acceptance and pride. I like knowing I am part of an organization that does not judge based on race, gender, or sexual orientation.


The kind of student that would fit in the best would be someone with money, who is religious, and is conservative. There are other groups but it is mostly this type that is seen. Many students are either from WI or the chicago area.