The best thing about Marquette is the students who make up the school. They know how to have an awesome time. Marquette is well known around the Midwest for being extremely fun. In fact many students from surrounding schools such as DePaul, Loyola, and Notre Dame visit on a regular basis because they know Marquette students always know how to have a good time and everyone is extremely welcoming. Also many students from Notre Dame, DePaul, Loyola, University of Milwaukee, etc often say that the social and nightlife and Marquette is far better. The school is also the perfect size so students are constantly meeting new people, but still usually see most of their friends on an average night out. Also parents weekend is a ton of fun especially for lower classmen because it is legal for students to drink with their parents in Milwaukee. Also another nice thing is that alumni are always coming back to visit. There is also a ton of school pride especially in the men's basketball team. The basketball games are absolutely insane and I love going to every game. Even though I personally feel basketball is my least favorite sport to watch usually, I feel that many of the games I have attended at Marquette are by far the most entertaining athletic games I have ever seen! Also all students are able to buy the season tickets to the home games, which are extremely cheap, around $80, which makes about each game almost less than $3 each. Also at many of the games they give out free T-shirts or other objects. In fact last year I received a hat, 5 T-shirts, a jersey, a statue, a poster, and pom-poms all for free!
Just the right size. Big city, but definite sense of community within the campus. Not a college town, although there are lots of Marquette basketball fans all around. Tons of school pride, especially during basketball season. Lots of time in the library during the week, lots of time partying on weekends. Find friends like yourself -- they are there.
Marquette overall is an awesome school to go to. It is located very close to downtown Milwaukee and the lake which give you endless options of things to do on the weekends. Academically, Marquette is a great school and is known as a reputable Jesuit education. One of the best times on campus is during basketball season. If you go to Marquette, you MUST buy season student tickets. Everyone should go to as many games as possible. All the students gets really psyched and the games have awesome energy. Freshman/sophomore year you will probably go to a lot of house/apartment parties held by upperclassmen. When winter comes around, it is harder to find parties to go to. But that's when most students start heading to the bars downtown. Most on-campus bars card very hard, so underclassmen have a better chance of using a fake downtown Milwaukee. The best way to describe Marquette is work hard, play hard. Students take school pretty seriously but they definitely leave plenty of time to go out with their friends. If drinking isn't your thing, there are sooo many clubs and activities that will allow people to stay away from the drinking scene on the weekends.
GoOOooOOoo Marquette!
Marquette is a middle sized university that offers students so many opportunities, I wouldn't have liked it anywhere else. Although it is in a city, the safety on campus is very secure and reliable. The extracirricular activities are very diverse, providing something for everybody, and classes provide students with opportunites to partake in community sponsored events and networking parties. I will miss the overall Marquette bubble and cushion I had while there.
Best experience at Marquette was staying up all night in line outside the Bradley Center the night before ESPN Game Day. It was well worth the wait, as we all were on TV and had a blast.
Had a great time at Marquette, its a great community and there are lots of opportunities to meet new people.
The best thing is the small class sizes. Every one of my profs knew my name.
When I tell people I went to MU - the reaction is usually "thats a great school"
From everyone of my friends from high school - you never see more school spirit than you do on a daily basis at MU. Just sit outside and count how many people are wearing school colors to class.
Most frequent complaint - not a lot of places to eat around campus and the dining halls aren't very good.
Marquette is a great place to get your education. The professors are generally great scholars who can also make their classes extremely interesting. The quality of student is also generally quite high, with almost everyone capable of engaging in genuine academic discussion. The best thing about Marquette is the size of its community. While it's not large to the point where you're considered a statistic, it's still large enough to meet a wide array of people. The city of Milwaukee is a great place to live, with not only plenty of places to go and see, but plenty of service opportunities as well. Marquette's emphasis on service and ethics is at the core of its philosophy, and is one of the most positive aspects of being a student here.
Marquette, as a Jesuit university, has the Jesuits at the core of its administration, and as such has been having a bit of an identity crisis. The question of whether Catholic teaching should trump academic and/or personal freedom is at the heart of many student and faculty disagreements with the administration. There have been questions of why students of opposite genders can't stay the night together, why condoms can't be given out in the student health services office, and whether or not it's right for some professors to question Catholic social teaching in an academic setting. A benefit of the disagreements is a view into the complex interactions of the Church with the modern world as it changes going into this new century.
How do people react when I tell them I go to Marquette? "wow Marquette huh? They think, "hey this girl must be pretty smart to go there." "WE ARE MARQUETTE." Some say "D-Wade!" The reason Marquette is so well known is because of basketball star Dwayne Wade- MU Alum!! They also think I come from money whether I do or not. You go to Marquette knowing that you will get a good job because of where you graduated from. All in all MU students walk out of college with a well rounded education. This is what people think when they here "MARQUETTE"
The best part is that the majority of classes are small. I would change how conservative the professors are, though it is a private school. The area around Marquette is really bad. There are a lot of robberies, and a lot of streetwalkers and crackheads who walk around the same areas that the students do.
Marquette is medium size, which I think is just right. It's a city campus, which has major benefits, like a city right down the street. While Milwaukee isn't that great of a city, it's better than nothing. I think Marquette's administration sucks.