Marquette University is a school that allows students to have a chance to make a difference in their own education and how they can affect the world. I feel that a person who is self-centered and not willing to accept that in the world of today depending on one another makes the world stronger would not do well at Marquette. Marquette is here to provide education but to also show that helping in the community makes one more effective in their personal lives, and the in the lives of those surrounding them.
In my opinion, I think a person who is not ready for a challenge should not attend Marquette. Marquette is a school that challenges you both inside and outside of the classroom. So if a person is not ready to push themselves to achieve things that they may or may not have thought possible, then Marquette is not the right place for him or her.
I truly feel like Marquette has something to offer everyone. Anyone is capable of being a part of the Marquette community as long as they are willing to make an effort. I guess I would say someone who isn't very outgoing and who doesn't enjoy being in an urban environment shouldn't attend marquette. But, in the end, it's all what you make of your own experience.
People who are not academically motivated or don't do well with a lecture style class structure.
A student who has a very low work ethic should not attend Marquette because they will immediately fall behind in classes. Marquette is very academic and only having a social life will hurt your school performance. Also, someone who is not able to get help paying for school, or someone who doesn't want to get loans should not attend, unless a parent is able to afford it. The tuition cost grows every year and it's hard to keep up.
People who are lazy
Anyone who is an individual or who is more "unique" than their peers. Do not attend this school if you dress differently than the average person at your high school, and especially not if you are liberal. Also, don't attend this school if you are planning on starting with no friends because you will never make any on your own.
people who want to go to school to party. Marquette is very hard, you will spend from the time you get out of class until the time you go to bed studying. unless you are a BS major (like marketing and communications), but they are frowned upon by other students
Someone interested in graphic design.
I think Marquette can be a great fit for anyone. If you want a school that provides a good education and encourages community and service, Marquette is great. It also encourages you to interact with other students and not just stay confined to yourself.