Sometimes, it is okay to have some fun. School is not all about studying and getting good grades. Yes, those things are important. However, life is important as well. Expand education beyond the books. Do not only learn about the world around you, but experience it. It is tiring spending so much time excelling in the classroom. Moreover, it causes one to miss out on the experiences life has to offer. The transition time from a teenager into a young adult is the prime time to make mistakes. The only way to do so is by allowing yourself to spend time living life outside of the classroom. Having occasional breaks is acceptable. Use those breaks to experience life, make mistakes and learn from them. In college, students should be prepared to make some of the right decisions and apply things learned from textbooks to the real world. By not allowing yourself to live life outside of your textbook, you are missing out on vital experience that will be hard to catch up with in college. All in all, have fun! Do not completely forget about the importance of your studies, but remember to set time aside for some fun.
To My High School Senior Self,
The minute your parents walk out of your dorm room, you will find yourself with a freedom you've never had. You will be able to go and do what you want when you want. You don't need to check in with anyone but yourself. With this freedom will come choices including, "Do I study or do I hang with my friends?" You will also have tougher choices such as, "Do I drink and pass out, do I just try it or do I skip it altogether?" I'm not going to give you the answer to these questions because you need to experience college and determine who you want to be. However, I encourage you to check in with yourself, respect who you are and stay focused on your goals. You have been given an amazing opportunity. Be sure you capitalize on it.
Your College Freshman Self
Everyone tells you that college is the biggest transition that one can make during their lifetime and I couldnt agree more. You move out of the house and have to become largely self dependant. The most important peice of advice that I could giove my high school self would be to go out of your comfort zone and dont sweat the small stuff. You are bound to make some mistakes as everyone does in this time of change. It doesnt matter how hard you fall, but how hard yo[u get back up and keep on fighting. Stepping out of your comfort zone and trying new things is so important because of how these experiences shape you as a person. College can be viewed largely as a fresh start and a clean slate, so dont be afraid to make a change.
After experiencing two years of college, I have a lot of advice I wish I could go back and tell my high school self. Throughout high school, I was continuesly mocked and ridiculed for putting so much effort into my school work. I have always put one hundred percent of my effort into my school work and my extra curriculars and often people looked down upon me for this and called me a "try hard". I wish I could go back and tell my high school self that all my hard work would pay off in the end. Because I worked hard in high school, I cultivated good study habits at a young age, learned dedication, and perserverance. All of these skills have helped me succeed in my degree and in college. I wish I could go back and tell my high school self to ignore what everyone says and keep being myself. In the end, this has paid off for me in more ways than one.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, there is a lot I would say. I would first off tell myself to get involved as much as you can in college. Joining the TV station staff at Marquette was one of the best decisions I have made. I have already made life long friends by being on staff and have learned so much about myself from it. I would tell myself secondly to be yourself. Freshman year I held back and was so quiet around all the new people I met. This year I have been so much more confident with myself and it has really helped me branch out and try new things. I would lastly give the advice live it up. Don't let the time pass you. Enjoy the time you have with your friends, in your classes, and on campus because these years will fly past you so fast.
I would tell myself to grow up, open my eyes and stop stressing out. I was a lot more mature then a lot of my friends but it's incredible the amount of things i know now for just opening my eyes a little more and trying to enjoy life as well as knowing which direction I'm taking without knowing where it will lead me. in high school I was so concered with what the path ends up and I tried to control it when in reality while time goes by anything any alter the end result in your path.
Hey high school senior!
College is going to be where you will truly find yourself, and you might think things are hard now, but it will get much harder so keep working hard because I know you're capable of great things! You are going to meet so many friends, especially Asian friends which isn't something that you had in high school. You will connect with so many people in college, so don't be afraid to reach out to others because they will end up being your best friends. Marquette is the right choice for you, so have no doubts in anything you do because you fit in and succeeed! Congrats on making it to senior year and We Are Marquette!
In high school I was set on finding the perfect school for me. I put in weeks of research and looked into every aspect of college life I could think. In retrospect, I realize the copius amounts of research didn't help very much. I would have told my old self to do what feels right. In the end you choose the college that feels the best and the most comfortable. It seems silly to choose a college by an intuition, but at the end of the day that is what matters most. This is your home for the next for years and if you feel uncomfortable or unsafe, you will most likely continue to the remainder of your time there. It's a big decision so use your head, but don't forget your heart.
I would tell myself that it is OK if you don't know what to do. Just becuase you are unsure of what is going to happen doesn't mean you should be scared. Sometimes school and life will get really hard, but it is definitely worth it. You are going to make some amazing friends that are going to make it worth it. They will be your family, and Marquette will be your second home. Your home away from home. It will be cold, and there will be days that you wont even want to leave your bed let alone the buidling to go to class, but the classes are great and the professors are even better. You will meet some amazing and extremely intelligent people there, and it is definitely the right choice. Don't be scared becuase it will all turn out right.
Dear High School Kelsiee,
As you head off to college, know that everyone is scared, anxious, unfamiliar, and unsure. It is ok to be these things; it is normal. Make sure to put yourself out there, and not to worry about being embarrassed or rejected. There is no worse feeling than regret. These next four years are some of the most important of your life, and you will truly find out who you are as a person, so make sure to always be yourself. When you start to do things that don't make you happy in order to make others happy, take a step back and reflect on yourself. Grab ahold of every opportunity that comes your way, and apply yourself to everything you do. Weed out the people in your life that aren't benefitting you any, because they are ultimately holding you back. Pamper yourself, and celebrate every accomplishment, no matter how small it may be. Most importantly, be yourself and do what makes you happy! It is going to be tough, and you will feel scared, sad, and uncomfortable at times, but there will also be times of great joy, celebration, and happiness.