Marquette University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


Before coming to Marquette University I wished I would have known that there was going to be a lake near by. This would have impacted my decision even more about coming to Marquette or not. I also wish that I would have known that the professors at Marquette were friendly and easy to talk to along with being very helpful.


You'll meet people that will become your life-long friends.


I wish I had discovered ear plugs sooner. Coming from a rural town to the middle of a city it was an adjustment to get used to the noises native to this area especially in a high traffic area.




I wish I had known how competitive it would be so that I would have applied myself more during high school. Otherwise, nothing has shocked me in a negative way, and what I've learned has been a positive, growing experience.


a lot of the students come from the same areas. Like, a suburbe of Chicago, some place in Wisconsin, or even Milwaukee itself.


You may not make friends in class, but don't worry. Friends will come. Orientation is slightly overwhelming and made me really homesick, but once school started and I got into my routine I found wonderful friends who I can go to for anything. I wish I had known what I wanted to major in because I switched many times, but that is the nature of college, so don't stress!


A lot of walking, especially in the cold winter


I wish I knew how much time playing a varsity sport would take up outside of practices. Soccer came first, and then school. The program forgot the meaning of a "student-athlete."


That I didn't need to be a biology major to become a dentist. I could have majored in anything.