Marshall University Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about Marshall University?


Has wonderful school spirit professors helpful


It has a great journalism school.


The student to professor ratio is conducive to much student and professor interaction. The school is such that class sizes are relatively small, in relation to the student body size. This allows students to meet or communicate with professors outside of class very often if not on a regular basis. Professors at my school are eager to assist students who wish to learn more about a specific subject area, and professors also cultivate an academic interest in students, whether it be in history, languages, economics, sociology, etc. Students at my university are treated like people, not numbers.


Probably the sorority and the sisterhood. The feelings of closeness that you get from having a close knit group to study with, laugh with, and cry with. When the classes are tough and it seems like you have absorbed all you's nice to sit and chat just like you were at home in your own house.


That my school is great at academics and now football! Go Herd!


I brag about our campus. It's beautiful, small, and flat. I brag about getting to go to Division 1 football games for free. I brag about the friends I've made here.


The quality of education because our football team sucks so I can't brag on them


The online classes. Most of my degree is offered online so I can work more hours and learn what I really need to know for my degree.