If I could talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself many things. One being to imporve my study habits. In high school I was never the one who needed to study to maintain my B+ average, and because I hardly ever studied I had a hard time adjusting to the demands of my college professors. Another thing I would tell myself is to not let any one hold you back. I shouldn't let anyone keep me from living my life. I need to meet people and make sure that my college life is all that i want it to be and more. The last thing I would tell myself is to make sure my parents realize how much I appreciate them. It was only unilt I made it to college that I realized how much they have done. They go above and beyond to make sure I have evertything I need. They make sure that I have many opportunities in my future.
My most useful advice to myself would be to calm down. Before going to college, I was absolutely terrified of it and convinced that my college experience would be like the ones portrayed in movies - all drinking, partying, and football games with no one who is career-motivated and definitely no learning. In reality, yes, there are some students like that, but the vast majority are the exact opposite. College is the best experience I've had thus far and I wish I hadn't been so terrified of it.
Having completed my first semester of my freshmen year I understand some of the challenges of adapting to college life. Assuming that I could go back in time and talk to myself as a senior in high school I would have a few pointers to give. I would start off my conversation by advising that I should take studying habits more seriously. In collegeone must study about the same amount of time that they spend in lectures. There is no way to learn the material other than to sit down and study hard.
Associated with better studying habits I would also advise myself to learn better time mangement skills. I know I have heard this pointer most of my life but it really hit home when I had to go to lectures, then set aside time to study along with social time. This was one of the hardest things about college to adjust too, but once I got the hang of things I was able to make the best of my college experince. I would use this conversation to make myslef a better student and to insure that my future will be everyhting I plan and want it to be.
If I could speak to myself as a high school senior, knowing what I do now about college, I would encourage myself to research different majors and career paths to decide earlier what is right for me. I made that decision years before college and changed my mind after my first year. The second year, I struggled with the new path I had chosen, finding out it was totally wrong for me and also cost me my scholarship. This brings me to now, in my third year of school but my first year in my major stressing out about losing what I worked for, having to pay tuition now and trying to graduate on time so I will not have to pay even more. Also I would tell myself to get more involved on campus to make more friends, which is hard to do when not living on campus but 35 minutes away. I would warn myself to study hard, that things may not come as easily as they did in high school. I would also tell myself to not procrastinate and take my time to make sure I do my best instead of getting overly stressed out.
I would tell myself to embrace the blank slate that I will be given at the beginning of college, and use it to be the best that I can be. I was so concerned about making new friends that often times I shirked my academic responsibilities. Sometimes I get distraught about my current GPA, but I know that at Marshall the professors are willing and able to help you raise it, and I have a large group of supportive friends that can help me study and do well.
First thing I'd tell myself is to take it a bit more seriously than when how I did my freshman year. Its more challenging than what high school ever was and you can't just sit there and expect to pass with good grades. My grades my first year weren't as good as I would have hoped and now I have to make up for it the next three years during my degree. However, by going off of a good start, you can start ahead without having to dread about bad grades.
The advise that I would give myself is to go to college. I would research all of the different colleges I was interested in and figure out which one was te best for me. I would have told myslef to never give up, and that everyone should have the chance to experience college life. Also everyone should be given the opportunity to continue their education after high school.
If I could go back and talk to myself in my senior year of high school I would tell myself to learn how to study better. I would tell myself that the days of just looking over material a few times is over, and that I would need to learn what way best fits me to be able to retain what I am reading and learning about. I would also tell myself that I need to get over my shyness and that if I do it would make it much eaiser for me to talk to students in class with me that are from a different place other than where I grew up, and it would be eaiser for me to meet new people and make new friends eaiser.
Don't go to Marshall. Stay at WVU and keep playing music.
First , I would make myself take the ACT test again to possibly get a higher score for scholarships I missed by 1 or 2 points. Then I would enforce how procrastination is not a very wise thing to use. Also, I would make sure to get all I could out of my science and math classes instead of just focusing on "getting through". Next, I would tell myself how to deal with the work load by repitition, especially in Math. To make sure you don't get behind on assignments, and to make plans for what you need to get done each day. Put time into each subject no matter how difficult the class or work is. Do not count on "one"night studying to be sufficient in getting you the grade desire, because that is not a very wise strategy. Finally, I would work on diligence, because this word is key to your work ethic. The more you surround yourself with your work/concepts/job, the more naturally things will come. So, basically work hard and stay focused on the goal that is set before me, which is to obtain a degree with the least amount of setbacks possible.