Marshall University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish that I would have realized that I needed to apply to attend Marshall. I was a dual credit student, and I attended Marshall half day, but my highschool advisor didn't inform me i needed to reapply to Marshall. There were a lot of people from my highschool that attend Marshall. Sororities are very active in the recruiment of new freshman. Luckily, my older cousin advised me against sororities before I got to Marshall. It's advice that is worth passing along.


I wish I would have known that it would be difficult with two younger siblings being two and a half hours away.


that it flooded


How to deal with finical aide.


I wish I would have known how my university tends to be a "suitcase campus," whereby many students from the surrounding area go home nearly every weekend. As my home was 6 hours away from my university, I rarely went home, and therefore found the dorms very lonely my first semester of my freshman year. I would have liked to better prepare myself for this solitude had I known in advance.


More about how classes are structured and what is expected of you in the classes.


How unhelpful the administration can be.


I wish I had known a little bit more about the surrounding city of Huntington


I wish I would have known how hot Huntington can get. I wish I would have known how cold it can get in the winter.


To prepick my roomates