There are so many choices to be made: what school to go, what major to decide, what meal plan! Just take a deep breathe! There are many students who go through these decisions. What you want to do is talk to other students from different universities and different majors to see what fits you. If you choose wrong that is okay! College is a time for change! I have transfered schools once and I have changed majors three times! Even with all this change I am still on the right track and becoming even closer to my goal of becoming a teacher (even though I didn't know I wanted to do this at first). Talk things out! Have fun, it's college, you only get this experience once in your life. So make the most of it.
Don't overbook yourself, but still get involved! Find friends who will study with you and have similar academic goals. :)
Do what is right for you. Do not base your opinion on what everyone else says. You need to go to school for what fits you. Pray about your future and what fits you best, and trust that God will help you make the right decision based that.
Faith, friends, and family are the most important things. Go after what you want, but remember how you were brought up and don't go to college just to drink. Go to learn and to make yourself, your friends, and your family, and your God proud.
Don't feel bogged down, because many people are not sure what they want, and changing majors is not difficult. Just follow your heart.
Keep your beliefs and values as top priorities when choosing a school. These can have a huge influence on your experience since they will be reflected in the school policies, profs and other students.
As a parent, make sure you are supportive of your child in their school choice. Going to college is a hard enough experience as it is, but to have parents who don't support your decision, makes it even harder. Stay involved with your child's activites in school to show that even though they might be far away at college, you still care about them and support their decision.
As a student, it's not necessarily true that you have to be sure about your career choice when you enter college. Go to the college of your choice with an open mind, willing to accept that while at school for a certain major, you might find something else that peaks your interest. Don't settle for a career choice just because you think that's the only thing you can do. Be passionate about what you want to do in life, and realize it might take you a while to figure it out. Be involved at school in as many activites as you can and make lots of friends, so when you look back on your college career, you don't regret anything.
College is a time to learn about yourself and who you are and who you want to be. You have countless opportunities to explore and learn. Make the most of them. You do not want to go through life thinking, "What if I had tried out for that?" or "What if I had taken that course?" Go with your gut and be true to yourself. Do not be pressured by those around you. If something or someone makes you feel uncomfortable, walk away from them. You are now a young adult. You make your own decisions in your life. Know how to have fun, but be diligent with your studies as well. Become a well-rounded person for life.
The two most important things when choosing a college are that the college provides the program you are interested in and that you are built up in your faith by being able to surround yourself with people who share your faith.
Find a college that offers strong programs in the area that you desire. If you're unsure as to what field you'd like to enter after graduation, attend a college that offers strong programs in many different areas. Study all sorts of different subjects and stick with one that you find yourself passionate about.