Maryland Institute College of Art Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Maryland Institute College of Art?


Lack of respect resources and funds for the animation department


Too many students, not enough space.


The beds in the new dorm at the gateway are really awkward.


The city of Balitmore, the school does not have a campus like a traditional college, all the facilities are within 3 blocks of each other, so you have to walk to class, it is a nice residential neighborhood but like any city there are good and bad parts and some bad comes into this area, and crimes against students like robbery do happen, so the most frustrating thing is to be on gaurd when you outside all the time


I would have to say that the most frustrating thing about The Maryland Institute College of Art is their occasional lack of organization. The administration department is great and never fails to meet a deadline or help you in any way, but after that there are some flaws in the system. For example, the school website is new and very faulty. It's sometimes diffcult to find what you're looking for or to use the programs they provide.


They lie about scholarships and financial aid which is why I can barely afford to go.


The high (and growing) cost of tuition, and the ratio of the amount of financial aid we get versus the amount we need to pay. There is also the fact that although scholarships are offered, it's rarely enough money even if you do win; which, given the number of applicants, is about as easy as toilet training a cat. There are winners, but not enough to make your chances on painlessly paying your way through college much better.