Massachusetts College of Art and Design Top Questions

Describe the students at Massachusetts College of Art and Design.


Hard working creative young professional, seeking freelance work and not depending on a salaried job not pertaining to her career field.


My classmates are pretty friendly, like every school there is a wide range of people and if you try you can always find someone you get along with.


Diligent, interesting, active, skilled,


A class full of Rock Stars.




My classmates are friendly, open, and helpful to one another.


They try so hard to be unique, so they all end up looking the same. But, they are very, very friendly, no cliques or anything. I would feel comfortable talking to absolutely anyone.


Indie and punk-rock, but friendly artists.


My classmates are very different from one another, bringing a lot of diversity and allowing anyone to be accepted socially.


All of my classmates are very driven, creative people, each with their own personal goals, opinions, styles, and motivations, each are willing to put forth the work needed to be successful at this school, are very willing to help others and have critical discussions, all are very accepting of everyone else there, everyone is very individual, independant, strong in their beliefs, thoughtful, accepting and wonderful.