Massachusetts College of Art and Design Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend Massachusetts College of Art and Design?


A person that shouldnt attend this school, is someone who is independent, nice, friendly, open, and has morals. But if you are a conformist, drinker, drug abuser, condescending, elitist, rude, and competitive you will be fine.


A person who is looking for a large university with sororities, fraternities and varsity sports teams would not be happy at this school. The school is smaller and based primariliy on the arts. Also someone who wants a country/suburban school or quieter school would not be happy here because it is set right in the middle of a big city and can get very noisey.


Someone who is looking for an easy ride with no determination or drive sould definitly not go to this school. A person who is not willing to put in the work and hours.


Mass College of Art is a very specialized school. All students that attend have a interest and a foundation in the visual arts. Students that are interested in medical research law school or even business would find it very hard to find an education there. The personality of the students at Mass Art are very open , friendly, and willing to learn. If one is closed minded and has a narrow outlook on opinions and style of living Mass Art would not be the place that is best suited for them.


Someone who isn't serious about what they're doing. Not being sure about what you want to do is fine, everyone has that, but if you come to this school looking to party and goof off then you should probably save the tuition bill and buy beer instead. Massart is an incredible resource, the amount of technical skill, intellectual stimulation, community connection, access to tools/materials, and creative energy you can get from the faculty, staff and other students is absurdly amazing if your willing to invest yourself to recieve it and give back your own experiences.


someone who intends to participate in a faternatiy/soronity


someone who isn't artistic and doesn't accept diversity


A lazy, close minded person


Someone who does not have an open mind, can not take constructive critisism, doesn't enjoy all kinds of art...


An open minded, creative and self-motivated individual.