MLCA is great for a general education. The school seems at times to focus mostly on a social environment, but education is still important. Some of the teachers don't really seem to know much about their subject, but really want to help. If you're really set on a specific area of study, this is not the school for you. The curriculum is really based on a general area of study.
If I could give any advice to parents and students on finding the right college and making the most of a college experience, I would highly suggest that they tour as many campuses as they possibly can and see firsthand what the college is like. I have gone to two different colleges and it is amazing to see that students were completely unaware of how college life would turn out. Experiencing a college campus first hand should be the first step in choosing a college and understanding what life will be like there. If the parents and students tour a few campuses and engage the various college personnal, I am sure that their college experience will be fantastic.
Do not necessarily look for schools that reflectyour major. Look for schools that reflect you, because, no matter how good a school's English or science or anthropology program is, it will not mean anything if you are not happy.
Apply to as many colleges you want, and really really think about every aspect of the school before you decide to go someplace.
The most important thing when choosing a college is to look at all aspects of your future, and base your decision on that. Firstly, you have to know what you're interested in academically. Then you should know your hobbies, including sports. Once you know this, decide the size of the school, and then the number of students and whether you feel that you learn better in smaller classrooms or bigger ones. Then you should look at the price if it concerns your budget. Then you should look at whether or not you'll be comfortable with the enthic backgrounds of the people and the surrounding area. Also figure out if it is too difficult to get to the school. Lastly, you should find the school that closest fits you, and sometimes even if it doesn't sound like your best option, it just might be.
My advice to parents in regards to finding the 'right' college is to allow their children to make the decision for themselves based on how a visit to the campus makes them feel. I strongly believe that picking the right college all depends on a students initial reaction to it, so every parent should make an effort to shuttle their children around to every college that poses an interest. Picking a college can be one of the most important things, and keep in mind that big name colleges and universities does not guarantee a successful career. Your child has to be happy and comfortable at a college in order for it to be beneficial. The advice that I would give to students, apart from what I have said to their parents, is to do as much research as possible. Make sure you have options with your education and that there are plenty of extracurricular activities to keep you busy and stress free. In order to make the most of your college experience you need to get out on campus and enjoy it, both academically and socially, so be ready!
When it comes to finding a college, go and look. Schools are very different in person then they are on paper. Plus when you go to view a school you are able to get a feel for the campus community. Its like buying a new house or a new car, you go and look at it first and take it for a test drive.
As far as making the most out of your college experience: Get involved. You don't have to get involved with everything, even if its one thing that you like doing go out and find it and join. If there is nothing that you like doing create your own club. It is a sure thing that you will find others on your college campus that enjoy the same thing. Last but not least, have fun!
Choose what you love, and run with it.
I would make a list of all the things that you think are important to you, and a list of all the things that have been helpful in the past/you KNOW are important to you. Don't overlook the importance of visiting a school and getting involved in a summer study program or an orientation program. These programs really help you get involved in campus life right away, without the stress of classes!! Don't be afraid of new things, and don't be afraid of making the wrong decisions. You have your whole life to figure out what you want to do. A Note to Parents: You just want your kids to be happy, right? What's the point of life if you can't enjoy it! These next four years will be some of the most memorable and life changing, make sure they're not going to be full of regret or "I wish I had done this instead."
apply to more colleges than you think you should, and try to get as much financial aid as possible. dont let your parents tell you what school to go to. dont be a dick.