Nerds, socially inept, dirty, wear glasses
Intense, Rigorous, Science/Engineering focused, not athletic, not social, heavy drinking
-no social skills/socially awkward
-study study study, no fun
-very innocent
There are some pretty common stereotypes about MIT students that portray us as the socially awkward, myopic, mathematical geniuses bent on world domination (Well, maybe not all of those things).
MIT is full of short geeky boys who spend all their time studying, playing role-playing-games online, or watching science fiction channel.
The MIT student population is primarily male.
Competitive. Nerdy. Get no sleep. Smart. High-tech. Inventive.
The stereotypes about MIT are that it is an extremely selective school and that it is the best for engineering. The stereotypes about its students are that we are all reclusive nerds that are only interested in school.
There are many stereotypes associated with people at MIT. Some of which I have found to be accurate in general and others that aren't. The stereotype that everyone who comes here is geeks, is far from the truth. Geeks walk around with pocket protectors staring at computer parts and being awkward all of the time, at least from my understanding. I have yet to see anyone like that. MIT is home to many different personalities and there is somewhere for everyone to fit in. We have frats, sororities, independent living groups, cultural houses and regular dorms. Another stereotype is that everyone here is obsessed with computers. Although there are plenty of people who are interested in computers and in fact Electrical Engineering/ Computer Science (aka Course 6)is very popular, people major in a variety of other subjects. I am majoring in biological engineering. The stereotype that everyone is Asian at MIT is not true. MIT does have a diverse campus and you are sure to have friends of many different races and ethnicities. One stereotype I have found to be true is that people at MIT are very smart. While people have their weaknesses and few are good at everything, MIT is a place where you truly recognize the potential of the human brain including your own.
Nerdy, no social skills, stink, weird,
Nerds who study all the time. Severely antisocial. Don't know how to lighten up and have a good time. Not "normal" students.