Dear Jaimie,
You know there's much more work to be done, but stop for a minute and breathe.
Look at where you are and realize how far you've come! You're a senior now! You did it! Be excited!
You've kept your eyes on the future and you're on your way!
And while you excitedly prepare for college, which will help you get one step closer to your goals, remember this:
Your goal of earning your degree and getting a career is not the endpoint, but a step in your (our) life's journey.
On your journey through college, you will be faced with new challenges, new experiences, and new uncertainties--existential crises. But crises does not mean failure--it means change.
Embrace the change. Embrace the challenges. Embrace the experiences. Embrace the uncertainties. Uncertainties lead to opportunity, to creativity, to new possibility.
Look toward the future, but also look at what's happening to you in the present. Accept the uncertainty, the crises, and see these times as what is molding us to become who we are in the future.
Enjoy this time.
Enjoy this journey.
You're on your way.
These next four years will be the most important years of your life, so treat them like it. I wish I would've realized this at a younger age. Throughout much of my life, my main focus was athletics. This in turn has helped me achieve many accolades and excel above my competition. But, as captain of my college football team, my main focus in undergrad was to succeed on the field. The classroom aspect always trailed behind in my priorities. I now regret the lack of effort I put into my studies.
I'm in law school now. However, the path I took getting here is a lot rockier than it needed to be. Having a subpar undergraduate GPA didn't work in my favor. But, I got in and for the first time in my life, I've put forth full effort towards my studies. I've ranked extremely well in my class but the financial burden is much worse than it could've been.
My little brother is a rising senior now. I've been trying to mentor him as if he was a younger me, telling him exactly what I wish I would've learned earlier.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior. I would tell myself to search for scholarships. Things are very difficult right now, and if I had applied for scholarships at that time, it would have been easier on my parents. I didn't think too much about that. I would also go back and tell myself that college isn't as frightening as one would assume. I would tell myself not to worry too much. I would tell myself to focus on the things that I needed to do at the moment and let the future take care of itself.
If I could go back in time, I would encourage my high school self to improve my time managment skills. College work takes a lot longer to complete then high school homework, and adjusting to the amount of work was difficult. I would encourage myself to work on my note taking skills, since the majority of college course require excellent note taking skills. Most classes are lectures and students are responsible for taking notes on the information they learn in class. Lastly, I would encourage my high school self to focus on my social skills, since staying in college dorms is a big transtition from living with my parents. Adjusting to living with people you do not know can be difficult, if you do not have an openmind.
Open up, do not just have one group of friends. Be interactive withothers and join a club you never would have before it might surprise you in the end just how much fun it actually is. College can be the best time of your life if you allow it to be.
When you enter college, you are bombarded with so many changes, questions and concerns… It’s a whirlwind of change that whips up even the strongest of individuals. Going into college I remember constantly feeling pressured to please everyone. In the midst of trying to follow all kinds of rules, keeping my parents proud, and pouring hours of work into subjects I wasn’t passionate about, I compromised my true love and passions—leaving me empty and miserable. My heart ached to be involved in the arts… but the words of previous guidance and admissions counselors rang in my head: “Nobody ever gets anywhere as an Art major.” I felt broken; I wasn’t doing what I was made to do.
If I could go back in time, I’d want the 17 year-old Karlie to know that people will try and prune you to create what they want you to be… “Karlie, you aren’t a tree… if you don’t like where you are, move.” I wasted two years doing things I hated, and that’s not what college is about; it’s about fine-tuning your life’s calling and your life’s passions.
As I reflect upon my high school experience, there are few challenges that affected me. I have overcome enormous obstacles throughout my high school career. Work ethic has always been very important to me and therefore, I never struggled to keep my grades at a high level or to manage my time as a student athlete. The first and perhaps most beneficial piece of advice that I would give myself, would be that it is never too early to start thinking about your college education. I would also tell myself to apply for as many scholarships as possible. As a young woman, I would also tell my high school self to stay optimistic and to never get down on myself because I see all the obstacles that I have powered through with my perserverance and responsibility and I can see that I have a natural ability to succeed. I know now that I have the ability to do anything I set my mind to; I wish I would have realized it earlier.
You wanted to major in “saving the world”; here is your chance. You are the hero of this story, you do not need saving.
Use the tutors for organic chemistry before the final; they are invaluable in all your classes, but most specifically this one. Also, ask Professor Craig about his work for the FBI, he has some really interesting stories to share.
Your roommates will become some of the most important people in your life. Bring rain boots to Kasey’s wedding. Give him a second chance.
Don’t forget your family, call them every once in a while. Yes they will not understand, and drive you crazy, but do it.
Don’t be afraid to do that travel abroad option, you will still be able to finish your biology degree on time. Spend your money on travel, spend the extra to go to Croatia, you’ll be upset if you don’t.
You are intelligent enough to get through this.
Once you are done, do not give up, you will get in to physician’s assistant school to be able to pursue your dreams. Just make sure to keep applying, and working towards it.
Of course just like everyone says, I would tell myself to not rush through high school. Once you go off to college, you're pretty much on your own. I would reassure myself that one bad grade or one mistake, or a few, is not that end of the world. Things will go on. You learn from your mistakes and it makes you wiser. Stop caring so much about what people think of you and be comfortable in your own skin. I would remind myself to not worry about keeping in touch with my high school friends from home. If they really wanted to keep in contact they would. My friends from home are at a different stage in life than I am, things change. Most importantly, I would tell myself not only to have fun and enjoy the present, but to also remain grounded and remember everything my family has taught me that has made me the young woman I am today.
I would convince myself to research all different careers and degrees and do a elimination process. I think that i would of found out what i wanted to do alot sooner and went to school sooner. I would already be in the nursing field and helping familys and patients.
Continue to challenge yourself. Strive for success and never give up. Give it your all.
If I could talk to my high school senior self, I would tell her several things. One, live up your summers because pretty soon you won't have any. Don't be afraid to let go of the past. Do not procrastinate on your homework in college, it will come back to haunt you. Enjoy college but don't forget about your work. Major in what you love not what you are expected to major in such as the sciences. I unfortunately did not major in what I loved until my junior year and unfortunately my GPA reflected it. I did what I thought was expected of me. Don't do that. Most importantly, be yourself and don't forget who you are.
I would go back and tell myself that no amount of research can prepare me for the transition. For that reason, I would also tell myself to dismount off my high horse that I was sitting on; just because I'm going to school only an hour away does not mean that it would make the transition easier. Be prepared to rely solely on yourself and become your own motivator, coach and teacher. There's no one you can physically turn to and seek solace in but that that builds self strength and integrity.
I would like to know the dedication that college sports require. I would also pay closer attention to what surrounds the campus.
DON'T PANIC! Especially don't panic about not being able to get in where you want. Yes, going to the school where your mother is a professor seems bad, but in the end it's the best school for you and the right choice. You'll love it there! Also, forget Asian Studies: major in English first; double-major in Art (don't just minor!!!), minor in math or compsci. You'll be happier. Finally, GET A JOB. It'll make paying off those loans later MUCH easier!
College has been valuable to attend for many personal reasons. I want to achieve an AA degree in early childhood education continuing on to my bachelors and eventually achieving my doctorate and masters in Pre-K through 12th while also learning a few languages because I do plan on going overseas to help children of all ethnicities and backgrounds. It has been valuable not only because of what I am learning but it is important to me to complete these goals and accomplish my long term goals. Kilian has taught me to keep going there are going to be bumps in the road but they will help me jump those hills and get back on the right path to graduation. My teachers share the same passion as I do about early childhood ed. and that makes my classes twice as amazing because I am able to discuss my passion with others who feel the same as I do.
When I graduated high school I wasn't sure if I really wanted to attend college because I really didn't like the high school experience. That is why I chose to attend a community college because I thought it would be an easier progression into college life. During my first semester, I really began to enjoy it. I really felt at home at a small college and I felt like I was gaining more by the smaller class size. I also really enjoyed the freedom of being able to make my own schedule and decide what my life was going to be like. After some time in college I began to notice some positive changes in myself as well. I began to grow more confident when I interacted with other people, and I became more confident in myself and my abilities. I started to really love my choice of major after years of indecision. I could really feel myself growing as a person, and I think that is the best thing that I have gained from the whole college experience.
Out of my college experience so far I have learned that it can be a lot harder than high school. Being in college is much more different because you live on your own and you have to make all new friends. I think that atteneding my college has helped me to become a more independent person and it has also helped me to beocme the person that I am today. I really enjoy being at college because everyone is really nice and it helps you to make lots of new friends.
College has helped me mature and expand my knowledge. I've learned things inside and outside of class that I never would have otherwise been aware of. I have become a more confident and motivated person with clear goals and educated opinions. I've met so many interesting people that I would have never come across at home. I have friends that live in different states and countries, friends that speak multiple languages and are from different backgrounds and religions. The diversity that students are exposed to at college can't be matched by any other experience. I've even met a lot of younger people outside of school that have helped me make decisions that would have never even considered. I volunteer at the local Boys and Girls Club as a mentor and I've met a lot of young boys and girls that have really changed my perspective on life, and it has actually greatly influenced my decision to be a teacher. The greatest thing about college right now is that I'm only halfway finished, and i get to see and experience so many more amazing new things over the next two and a half years.
What I have gotten most out of my college experience is learning how to adjust myself to a new environment. I think that it is important to know how to adjust to any situation, especially unfavorable situations, so that you can further succeed positively towards a task, goal, or whatever it may be. It has been valuable to attend college because within this new environment, I am able to meet new people and I am exposed to different cultures and perspectives. Also, I am constantly learning more about myself the more I am exposed to different types of people and learning how to handle situations diplomatically. Because of these components, I am developing as a person, which is important to me. I believe that it is important to explore, learn and grow as much as you can in life. Ultimately, it has been valuable to attend college because I am actively working towards my educational/career goals and I am continuously building my foundation from the exposure and experiences that college has given me thus far.