They are generally easy to get along with. They generally care about their school work just as much as I do. They are very helpful and friendly if you need help with anything. They are mostly all around nice people.
Mercyhurst has a highly diverse mix of students, it has international students from all over the world, sports players of every sort and many other mixes of students. The Mercyhurst community is very accepting of all races,sexes and people from all socio economic backgrounds!! Mercyhurst is very much a college where the dance majors will be friends with the athletes and international students will be friends with Americans, There really is no clicks or separation between any groups that I have witnessed in my time here!
The students at Mercyhurst are extremely nice, there is a large international presence on campus, with students from Europe, South America and Asia.
From my experience, students at Mercyhurst are rather diverse. The majority of students are middle class/ upper middle class kids from Cleveland, Buffalo, and Pittsburgh, but it's extremely easy to find kids from all over the world and other parts of the US. You'll find all sorts of people with all different views and orientations, even if it is only a small group. The majority of students I have found are Catholic, however that is expected seeing as Mercyhurst is indeed a Catholic school. The nice thing is, however, the views of Catholicism I feel are never forced upon anyone, and if anything, they are presented in a non-denominational way that is relatable to everyone.
I am have been involved with various clubs, organizations, and activities around campus. Some included Mercyhurst Student Government, Student Activities Council, Ambassador Club, Business Club, PRSSA, and AMA. Through all of these clubs and organizations, I have met my best friends and have truly had some of the best times of my life. These times I will remember for the rest of my life. I feel as though some students feel as though if you get involved, you can't have a social life, and I don't agree with that all. As freshman, students get dressed up to class, but once they start to realize you don't have to get dressed up, most students wear jeans or sweatpants to class. I feel as though Mercyhurst College is filled with an extremely diverse campus. I have a lot of international friends and it's awesome to be able to interact and socialize with people from different cultures around the world. Most of the students come from Buffalo, Cleveland, or Pittsburgh (because they are three largest cities in close range to Erie), but again, students come from all over the world. It is very interesting to be such a small school, but have such a diverse campus.
Students here are very diverse. You will find many students from the tri-state area (Pittsburgh, Cleveland, or Buffalo) but we also have a great international population, with students attending from Ireland, Honduras, Canada, England, Guatemala, and Serbia.
They are Caucasion, African-American, Democrat, Republican, straight, gay, Catholic, Jewish, and Protestant. I think this diversity is one of the school's greatest strengths, as it allows you to learn so much about different lifestyles and points of view. It is a great opportunity to expand your horizons and to make you more accepting of those who are different than oneself.
There is a pretty decent mix on campus. There is a great variety of international students from all over the world. I promise by the time you get through one year at Mercyhurst, you'll have interacted with at least one person from another culture.
There is a strong campus ministry and multicultural organization on campus too. They are really there for students who may be LGBT, of a less common religion, struggling with emotional problems, or students just trying to find a way to get involved.
Though some might argue that Mercyhurst is a predominately Caucasian campus, there are definitely African Americans, Hispanics, Asian etc. students present. And most students, but not all, are Christian.
Mercyhurst is a private Catholic college and therefore religion is visible here. During "Welcome Week" there were several things that were religion based but not overwhelming. personally I have never really attended church much and still don't and feel comfortable here. Part of the core classes are religion based but I haven't taken any of those yet. Most students can be found studying in a lounge somewhere during the day or in their room if you prefer the privacy. Honestly Mercyhurst seems like a High School except you live here, you go to class, and then study but then you spend all your free time with friends that you have made, people seem pretty welcoming to making new friends but of course there are always exceptions.
There are a wide variety of students at Mercyhurst College. There are students from all over the United States and all over the world. Everyone is nice and always willing to help out new students in terms of directions and identifying buildings. Mercyhurst College, like all colleges, has students that would be described as the nerds, the athletes, the party-ers, the artists, etc. This gives the opportunity to interact and meet new people outside of your comfort zone.
Students at Mercyhurst are open and accepting to others who may not fit the same demographics as one another. We have a very diversified campus which is exciting. I have learned a lot about other cultures and religions during my time here and do not take for granted how much diversity I am exposed to. Students all understand that there is no definition of "perfection" or "right vs. wrong" so everyone is accepting and open with one another.