Mercyhurst University Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Mercyhurst University? Is this stereotype accurate?


I would have to say that there is no stereotype of any type attached to students at Mercyhurst College. The Mercyhurst student body is very diverse and fosters an environment where students are free to be themselves and express who they are. The student body consists of a very diverse mix of students, who integrate very well. This is something that is very unique to Mercyhurst College and part of the reason why I have enjoyed my time here so much!!


There aren't many stereotypes, but it is true that football players hangout together, dancers do. Alot of people with the same majors tend to hangout with eachother.


The stereotype of Mercyhurst students isn't necessarily something I'm familiar with. I tend to function as I want to. But overall, there's three main groups of students. The hardcore athletes, the very involved kids, the mildly involved kids and the kids who just go to class (if that) and disappear.


At Mercyhurst College, the same group of 30 students seem to be involved with everything on campus. From the Student Government to the Honors Society to Ambassadors, it seems as though most of the same students tend to be involved with everything. Then if the student isn't involved, he/she tends to be an athlete or just a "regular" college student that just takes classes and does nothing else. I believe this stereotype defintely is accurate. I know that as one of the students that is involved, I met all of my friends by getting involved with the same activities. Each activity involves the same students for the most part. Everyone else on campus is either an athlete and doesn't have time for activities or is just a student that takes classes and does nothing else.


Mercyhurst students tend to earn the private school "rich kid" stereotype. While some students may fit that description, most of us are not paying the full sticker price for tuition. About 50{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} are athletes and the rest are your typical college students who are involved in a variety of other activities on campus.


One stereotype that exists regarding Mercyhurst College, both inside and outside the college, is the stereotype regarding students' financial situation. Because the tuition is rather high, people assume every student at Mercyhurst comes from a family of money. This is simply not true. Many students receive scholarships and financial aid of some sort. Another stereotype that exists within Mercyhurst College surrounds the athletes. Students feel some athletes on certain athletic teams get "special treatment" from professors. The only "special treatment" I know of is in regards to athletes and professors communicating about the athlete's travel schedule and how it will affect their attendance in class.


The students of Mercyhurst are a mixed bunch for sure, but in essence I would say that many are from an affluent background. Many of my friends attended private schooling institutions before pursuing a degree at Mercyhurst. I would say that a wide majority of students are privileged. However, this being said, not everyone fits into the category, or has to. Mercyhurst is a great place for many people of all types of backgrounds, cultures, and upbringings.


I wouldn't say that there is a "neat" stereotype box that Mercyhurst students fall in to. However, if I had to choose, because Mercyhurst is a relatively small Catholic institution, I guess one would expect everyone who goes there to study hard, not party too much, and be Catholic - the same as if one was in a private Catholic high school. Contrary to this belief, we don't all wear uniforms, are forced to attend mass daily, or are taught by sisters in black and white habits. This doesn't mean that we are all party-ers, but we are simply normal college kids. Perhaps one thing that sets us apart, is our concern for the community and desire to do service - many people who go here really do want to make the world a better place.


I feel that there is not a strong seterotype presence on campus. Of course it is more common to see students of the same major or on the same sports team often together, but because they have developed a friendship based on similiarities, not based on their "title." I believe many students would feel comfortable making/having friends that fit in all types of stereotypes.