Mercyhurst University Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend Mercyhurst University?


Those who do not want to be at a small school. It is very similar to high school in that you know most of the people in your graduating class.


Someone who is looking for a big school and parties.


Anyone who espects to party alot and sleep through classes.


Some one looking for a big campus, lots of parties. People who don't want to take core classes like philosophy, psychology, and religion. Slackers.


Someone who loves the big city feel and likes to be able to go out at night and have lots of different places to go to. Also someone who has no interest in learning but instead would prefer to just party. Also, if you do not like snow, rain and cold weather this is not the place for you. We get lots of it.


Anyone who doesn't want to learn should not attend this school. It is a liberal arts school and has wide variety of core classes that are mandatory. Thare are also no fraternities or sororities. I, personally, like this, but some may not.


A person who wants a large campus and a lot of parties. Also people who get in trouble a lot, defintely should not attend this school.