Mercyhurst University Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Mercyhurst University?


Didn't go through a frustrating time.


I think that the most frustrating thing would be the parking.


Sometimes the level 100 classes teachers take their classes far too seriously. For example, "art appreciation' turns into 'Art history from an anthropological perspective"


At Merchurst I find the administration to be dificult to work with, especially the financial aid department. I have spoken to several other students and they agree with me. My financial aid advisor rarely returns my phone calls or emails, and after my dad lost his job the school did nothing to help us out financially after making my family fill out numerous forms and assuring us that something could be done.


I transferred here my sophmore year and it took me a while to meet people and make friends. I also lived in a campus apartment and was randomly put with 3 roomates I didn't know. I did not get along with 2 of them and moved out after the first trimester was over. There is not alot of extra, school-sponsored activities during the week or on the weekends. I would like to see more intramural sports and more activities for students to get involved in.


Not having a lot to do in the surrounding community.


Having the largest core curriculem in the country. This causes time issues because you have to complete the core and all your major requirments in order to graduate. Another annoying thing is that some major classes are only offered everyother year, and a lot the time at the same time as something else you have to take... it sucks because you have to find a way to take both classes.


The most frustrating thing about my school is the diversity of people. Most of the people here are white caucasian and come from upper middle class families.


The people here are pretty fake. It's pretty much like catholic girls gone wild. The guys are only out for one thing and that of course being sex. The classes are tough and getting an A at this school if practically impossible unless you want to spend your entire life in the library. The parties are lame unless you like being cramped into a tiny 20x20 foot basement with 200 people and have the keg kicked by 11.


Our cafeteria and meal options are terrible. Our food here at Mercyhurst tastes awful, makes you feel sick, and is unhealthy. Not only is the food bad but our gym and fitness center is so small. Everyone here at Mercyhurst is VERY active and we need a bigger gym to accomodate everyone so we can all work out together and not get stuck without a machine or getting refused a weight set. We do not have a pool either, I feel like for what we spend to go here our gym and food should be better.