Michigan State University Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about Michigan State University?


Well recognized Business school, beautiful campus, amazing athletic facilities and academic support.


I definitely brag most about the social scene. At our school, you never have to worry about being bored or lonely. There is always someone who wants to hang out or party. At our school, you are always kept busy, which helps teach time management.


I brag about the parties and events the fraternities/sororities plan. I brag about living in the resident halls and the diffrent events the resident hall monitors put together. I brag about how big the university, and it being so big so much is always going onall the time. I brag about how diverse the school is and how many people from all over the world attend this university. I brag about even though the school is fun, academics is very important and all it takes is one slip up and you can get kicked out.


The fact that were pretty much the best, we win the most sports, have the hottest girls, the biggest parties and the most fun.




I love to brag about my campus and how fun it seems to be. There is always something to do at any point in the day or night whatever day of the week it is. I feel like my campus is very into making students feel at home, and want them to be avaliable to any and all activities that one would have taken part in at home, also allowing students to broden there horizons and enjoy new activities as well.


Everyone is very friendly, there is always something to do, the staff is helpful, and the campus is beautiful.


The size, and amount of people, the social atmosphere.