Millersville University of Pennsylvania Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about Millersville University of Pennsylvania!


Millersville offers classes with fewer students than most. The smaller class size is very helpful in that it is easy to connect with professors which makes it easier to go to them with problems.


Millersville University has a large population of students, but it doens't feel big. It is very relaxed, and offers a lot of resources.


The atmosphere of Millersville is very friendly.


The professors really take their time to help students. Also, the people are usually very friendly.


Millersville is very cheap compared to other schools, and still offers a decent education.


We are a really tight-knit community. The surrounding area supports our college and we support them. Everyone is friendly and knows everyone else.


Millersville University is located in Millersville PA, a rural town in lancaster. The campus is surrounded by community, family houses. This made them campus feel homely and not like a typical college campus. One does not feel the pressure of normal college campuses. The campus is also small which makes the students a tight family where everyone knows everyone. These facts about the Millersville community stood out when looking at other schools in PA.


Millersville is a large campus, surrounded by beautiful scenery, but it only a bus ride away from the city.