Millersville University of Pennsylvania Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about Millersville University of Pennsylvania?


I tell everyone how inexpensive my quality education is.


I brag mostly about the fact that it is affordable. Most of my friends are going to schools that when they graduate will have a terrible time paying off the loans that they took out. While, Millersville allows me to go to attend classes at rate that will be what I can "do-able". It will take time and effort, but I know I can and will be able to do it.


How much I love the Education program. I am only a sophomore and my school has provided me with so much field experience alreday. This has allowed me to see that being a teacher is really what I would like to do as my career.


When I talk to my friends about my school, one of the things that I brag about to them is education program here at Millersville University. Millersville used to be a teaching school, so their education program is top notch. Another thing that I find myself bragging about, is also the music program; there is a variety of things you can do with music here (as well as gain plenty of experience).


I brag about the wonderful professors who are entertaining, knowledgeable, and very helpful. I also brag about my off-campus housing which is perfect for me and my roommate because we only pay during the semesters and we are living in an old hotel so having bigger beds and our own bathroom is wonderful!


How I am not an education major, though it is the majority major in the school.


I usually tell my friends about how I love the campus and how it's maintained daily. I also tell them about how my classes can be difficult but the professors are always there to help and it's an accomplishment when the semester is over. I think it's really helpful how they have shuttle buses that not only take me around campus but also off campus to a local grocery store, the mall, or to downtown so I'm able to get away if I want.


I brag most about how beautiful Millersvilles campus is. We have a wonderful pond and quad, and the campus all around is just wonderful.


The excellence of the history department. The small classes. My advisor's availability and willingness to help. The faculty's willingness to help.